Anatomy and Physiology Online Quiz For Pharmacist Exam Part 2

Anatomy and Physiology Online Quiz For Pharmacist Exam Part 2

Anatomy and Physiology Online Quiz For Pharmacist Exam Part 2

Anatomy and Physiology Online Quiz For Pharmacist Exam Part 2

Welcome to Anatomy and Physiology Online Quiz For Pharmacist Exam Part 2, your go-to resource for mastering the fundamentals of anatomy and physiology through expertly curated 60 multiple-choice questions. Our quizzes are designed to help candidates prepare for competitive exams such as GPAT, NIPER, Drug Inspector, and Pharmacist exams. Each quiz tests your knowledge in key areas, reinforcing concepts essential for success in your exams and career. Whether you’re revising or practicing, this blog is the perfect tool to sharpen your understanding and boost your confidence.


Anatomy and Physiology MCQs 2

Anatomy and Physiology Online Quiz For Pharmacist Exam Part 2

Get ready to test your knowledge in the field of Anatomy and Physiology. Please click on the right option to answer the questions. Good luck!

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1 / 60

1. Total number of phalanges in upper limb is________

HPSSC Pharmacist (12.12.2020)

2 / 60

2. Which of the following is a catecholamine___________

Gujarat VMC Pharmacist (28.03.2021)

Ans. (c): Estrogens are a group of hormones that play an important role in the normal sexual and Reproductiove development in female.
• In addition to regulation the menstrual cycle, estrogen affects the reproductive tract, the urinary tract, the heart and blood vessels, breasts , skin pelvic muscle etc.
• Some hereditary and other conditions can lead to high levels of estrogen in male which can results in :
• Infertility
• Erectile dysfunction.
• Longer breasts, known as gynecomastia.

3 / 60

3. Which of the following is a female sex hormone?

Gujarat VMC Pharmacist (28.03.2021)

4 / 60

4. Plasma has water to the extent of__________

HPSSC Pharmacist (12.12.2020)

5 / 60

5. Lymphocytes accounts for what percent of leucocytes in normal adults?

HPSSC Pharmacist (12.12.2020)

6 / 60

6. Angiology refers to___________

HPSSC Pharmacist (12.12.2020)

7 / 60

7. Which of the following lack blood Supply?

HPSSC Pharmacist (12.12.2020)

8 / 60

8. An organ that is not a component of the urinary system, is ______

UP NHM Pharmacist (28.12.2022)

9 / 60

9. Cere brosides are ____

UP NHM Pharmacist (28.12.2022)

10 / 60

10. An example of flat bone___________

UP NHM Pharmacist (29.12.2022)

11 / 60

11. Choose the correct statement about bronchus.

HPSSC Pharmacist (12.12.2020)

12 / 60

12. Which of the following type of food poisoning is caused by staphylococcus aureus?

UP NHM Pharmacist (28.12.2022)

13 / 60

13. Which veins drain directly into inferior vena cava?

MP NHM Pharmacist-Contractual (04.08.2022)

14 / 60

14. Which is used in cheese manufacturing as a substitute of rennin?

Kerala PSC Pharmacist Gr.II (04.01.2021)

15 / 60

15. Inulin clearance is a measure of_______________

MP NHM Pharmacist-Contractual (04.08.2022)

16 / 60

16. Which of the following hormones inhibits the secretion of insulin, glucagon and growth hormone?

Gujarat VMC Pharmacist (28.03.2021)

17 / 60

17. The cardiovascular disease associated with the disorder of heart rate or rhythm is called:

Gujarat VMC Pharmacist (28.03.2021)

18 / 60

18. Life span of W.B.C. in human is_______

HPSSC Pharmacist (12.12.2020)

19 / 60

19. How many pairs of intercostals muscles are present?

HPSSC Pharmacist (12.12.2020)

20 / 60

20. In Central nervous system, the nerves that arise from cerebrum and brain stem are called as_______

MP NHM Pharmacist-Contractual (04.08.2022)

21 / 60

21. Which of the following enzymes is repressed by the insulin hormone?

UP NHM Pharmacist (28.12.2022)

22 / 60

22. Which one of the following statement is true for-cancer cells:

AMC Pharmacist (15.05.2022)

23 / 60

23. A large number of cells present in nervous system, is called _____ Or Which of the following is a part of the nervous system?

UP NHM Pharmacist (28.12.2022)
BSSC Pharmacist (2018

24 / 60

24. Main muscle of shoulder is_________

HPSSC Pharmacist (12.12.2020)

25 / 60

25. Active immunity may be gained by_______

HPSSC Pharmacist (12.12.2020)

26 / 60

26. Indicate muscles, which are more resistant to block recover more arapidly______

Gujarat VMC Pharmacist (28.03.2021)

27 / 60

27. How many laminae are present in the grey matter of spinal cord?

MP NHM Pharmacist-Contractual (04.08.2022)

28 / 60

28. Function of Golgi apparatus is_________

HPSSC Pharmacist (12.12.2020)

29 / 60

29. All the following causes hyperglycemia except_______

VSSC Pharmacist-A (07.11.2021)

30 / 60

30. Human Serum Albumin has a molecular weight of_________

AMC Pharmacist (15.05.2022)

31 / 60

31. Thromboxane is mainly synthesized by_______

VSSC Pharmacist-A (07.11.2021)

32 / 60

32. In NREM Sleep, Which part of brain is not involved?

MP NHM Pharmacist-Contractual (04.08.2022)

33 / 60

33. Arch of aorta lies at what vertebral level?

MP NHM Pharmacist-Contractual (04.08.2022)

34 / 60

34. Nissl granules occur in_________

HPSSC Pharmacist (12.12.2020)

35 / 60

35. Identify the method of metabolism of salicylates in our body.

Kerala PSC Pharmacist Gr.II (04.01.2021)

36 / 60

36. The condensation of chromation and shrinkage of the nucleus leading to cell death is termed as:

Gujarat VMC Pharmacist (28.03.2021)

37 / 60

37. Which of the following will result in very closest value to the Glomerular Filteration Rate (GFR)?

AMC Pharmacist (15.05.2022)

38 / 60

38. The proximal convoluted tubules lies in_________

HPSSC Pharmacist (12.12.2020)

39 / 60

39. In healthy adult, glomercular filtration rate is_______

UP NHM Pharmacist (28.12.2022)

40 / 60

40. Which of the following isotope is used to study the functioning of thyroid gland?

GMC Pharmacist (08.08.2021)

41 / 60

41. Human being have____ number of Parathyroid glands.

HPSSC Pharmacist (12.12.2020)

42 / 60

42. Ventricles of brain are lined by___________

MP NHM Pharmacist-Contractual (04.08.2022)

43 / 60

43. The term coronary artery disease is used to designate all of the following conditions, EXCEPT____

Kerala PSC Pharmacist Gr.III (22.12.2021)

44 / 60

44. Which among the following is a light receptor protein synthesized by vitamin A for night vision?

MP NHM Pharmacist-Contractual (04.08.2022)

45 / 60

45. Melatonin is secreted by__________

MP NHM Pharmacist-Contractual (04.08.2022)

46 / 60

46. Endothelium dependent relaxing factor of blood.

VSSC Pharmacist-A (07.11.2021)

47 / 60

47. Erythropoietin is produced by____________

MP NHM Pharmacist-Contractual (04.08.2022)

48 / 60

48. Which one of the following is not a function of lymphatic system?

HPSSC Pharmacist (12.12.2020)

49 / 60

49. Largest organ is the body is_________

VSSC Pharmacist-A (07.11.2021)

50 / 60

50. Which of the following is a plasma kinin?

Gujarat VMC Pharmacist (28.03.2021)

51 / 60

51. Which vein drain abdomen?

HPSSC Pharmacist (12.12.2020)

52 / 60

52. mRNA is synthesized in the nucleus as :

Gujarat VMC Pharmacist (28.03.2021)

loss of muscle tone occurs in stage - III. Muscle tone is the amount of tension (or resistance to movement) in muscles. Our muscle tone help us to hold our bodies upright when we are sitting and standing.

53 / 60

53. Loss of muscle tone occurs in _____ stage.

HPSSC Pharmacist (12.12.2020)

54 / 60

54. Which of the following releases renin?

GMC Pharmacist (08.08.2021)

55 / 60

55. The incorrect statement about heart is__________

HPSSC Pharmacist (12.12.2020)

56 / 60

56. The powerhouse of the cell is :

Gujarat VMC Pharmacist (28.03.2021)

57 / 60

57. Sarcolemma refers to_______

HPSSC Pharmacist (12.12.2020)

58 / 60

58. Bile is produced by_________

VSSC Pharmacist-A (07.11.2021)

59 / 60

59. Creatinine clearance is used as a measurement of___________

MP NHM Pharmacist-Contractual (04.08.2022)

60 / 60

60. The spleen is located under the ribcage and above the stomach in the_____ of the abdomen.

MP NHM Pharmacist-Contractual (04.08.2022)

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