SOP on Cleaning of factory premises surrounding area

SOP on Cleaning of factory premises surrounding area

SOP on Cleaning of factory premises surrounding area

1.0 Purpose: This document describes detailed instructions for the cleaning of factory premises outside surrounding area.

2.0 Scope: This SOP applies to hired cleaning staff.

3.0 Responsibility: Senior production chemist to ensure that procedure is followed.

4.0 Materials and Equipment: 

4.1 Brooms.

5.0 Procedure:

5.01 Manufacturing premises require frequent cleaning and disinfection.

5.02 Dust and dirt can be hazardous to the quality of the products and to the operator.

5.03 To reduce the levels of contamination by dust/ dirt, in morning daily clean the outside  area in front of factory gate with a broom.

5.04 Spray the cleaned area with tap water.

5.05 Once in a month clean the factory gate.

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