SOP on Customer Complaints
1.0 Purpose: The objective of this document is that a defective product complaint should be properly investigated and remedial measures are to be taken.
2.0 Scope: This SOP applies to Quality Assurance staff.
3.0 Responsibility: Quality Assurance Manager to ensure that the procedure is followed.
4.0 Materials and Equipment: None.
5.0 Procedure: All written or verbal complaints received may be one of the following nature –
a. Regarding errors in distribution.
b. Regarding packaging / leakage / breakage problems.
c. Regarding product quality.
d. Regarding untoward reaction from product.
All the complaints except those referring to distribution must be referred to and investigated by the Quality Control personnel and records of investigation should be kept along with product complaint records.
Records for product complaint should include –
01. Serial number assigned to the complaint
02. Name and address of the complainant.
03. Date of complaint
04. Nature of complaint
05. If verbal, name of person who received complaint.
06. Product name, batch number and strength.
07. Size of sample obtained from complainant.
08. Evaluation of complaint.
09. Materials and records used to perform evaluation.
10. Results of examination of retained sample, if examination is done.
11. Action taken by the company.
12. Signature of evaluator and date.