SOP on Packaging Materials Inventory Records
1.0 Purpose: Purpose of this SOP is to laid down a procedure for classification of packaging materials and their inventory control records.
2.0 Scope: This SOP applies to Stores staff.
3.0 Responsibility: Production Chemist to ensure that procedure is followed.
4.0 Materials and Equipment: As required.
5.0 Procedure: Packaging components are used only after quality control and verification against established specifications. Packaging components are classified into two types of materials –
A. Components coming in direct contact with drug:
i. For liquids / dry syrups: Glass bottles, plastic bottles and jars, caps, inner liners, washers, plastic droppers.
ii. For tablets / capsules: Plastic bottles, polymer film, aluminium foil, glassine foil, silica gel etc.
B. Components not coming in direct contact with drug:
It includes – labels, gum used for labels, cartons, packaging aids, outer case, packing etc.
Inventory records (receipt and issue register) for packaging materials includes –
a. S.No.
b. Name of article
c. Code No.
d. Quantity issued.
e. Quantity used
f. Quantity returned / destroyed.
g. Remarks / justification
h. Signature.