SOP on Receiving & Inspection of Materials
1.0 Purpose: This SOP describes a method for receiving and inspection of materials.
2.0 Scope: This SOP applies to Stores department and Quality Control laboratory.
3.0 Responsibility: Stores staff and Quality Control chemist to follow this procedure.
4.0 Materials and Equipment: As required
5.0 Procedure:
5.01 On receipt of consignment from the supplier, receiving section unloads the materials at delivery bay.
5.02 The contents are compared with packing slip and purchase order.
5.03 The condition of materials is also verified to note that they are not received in damaged condition.
5.04 The quantities are checked and recorded.
5.05 Details are recorded in Goods In-inspection report (GIR).
5.06 Any type of discrepancies or damages are recorded in the GIR.
5.07 Copy of the GIR is sent to the Quality Control laboratory.
5.08 Quality Control Chemist compare the quality of incoming materials with their respective specifications with the help of visual tests and chemical tests.
5.09 Quality Control laboratory reports their findings in inspection report, copy of which is sent to stores.
5.10 If materials are accepted, they are sent to approve stores section.
5.11 In case of rejection, purchase department immediately informs the supplier and seeks his instructions about mode of their disposal.
5.12 As rejections create chances of stock-outs and resultant production stoppages, prompt action is taken to replenish rejected items.
6.0 Reporting: Stores keeper inform any discrepancies regards to weights & measures, and quality of received materials to purchase department and quality control laboratory. The stores keeper prepares a Goods In-inspection report and submit to Qualtiy Control laboratory. The quality control laboratory chemist informs in regards to quality of the materials to Quality Assurance manager and submit a test report.