Objective: The purpose of
this STP is to ensure the compliance of quality of BOPP tapes.
Scope: To establish the standard testing procedure of BOPP
tapes in Pharmaceuticals.
3.1 Description: Transparent B O P P Tape having Red
Coloured Printing of MDC
3.2 Colour: Transparent Brown Printing.
3.3 Width of printing matter: Measure the width
of printing matter by vernier caliper at 10 points. Obtained average value
should be within limit as per specification.
3.4 Length: Measure the length of BOPP tape by scale.
Obtained value should be within limit as per specification
3.5 Film thickness: Measure the thickness of the film
with the screw gauge. Obtained value should be within limit as per
3.6 Adhesive: While rolling the tape over the C. Box,
the tape machine should be used to cut the tape, it should not be cut then only other
mode. When the tape in lifted from the C. Box. The paper of C. Box (Upper
layer) should come out with the tape itself.
3.7 Core internal diameter: Check the internal
diameter of 10 BOPP tapes individually. It should meet as per the specification.
3.8 Core weight with paper roll: Check the weight
of core with paper role of 10 BOPP tapes individually. It should meet as per
the specification.