SOP on Retesting of Approved Raw Materials / Components

Retesting of Approved Raw Materials / Components

Retesting of Approved Raw Materials / Components

1.0  Purpose: This SOP describes the procedure for retesting or reexamination of the approved raw materials.

2.0  Scope: This SOP applies to all the raw materials i.e. active and inactive which are used in the manufacture of drug formulations.

3.0  Responsibility: Quality Control Chemists to ensure that the procedure is followed.

4.0  Materials and Equipment: As required.

5.0  Procedure:

5.1 During storage for long periods or exposure to air, heat or moisture might adversely affect the materials / components. The materials shall be retested or reexamined after storage for long periods.

5.2 Reevaluation time scales are usually developed from data provided by manufacturer or Material Safety Data Sheets(MSDS). Except for particularly sensitive materials, it is usual to settle for one time period – often two years. Sensitive materials retest date may be 6 months to 12 months depending on the nature of material.

5.3 Reevaluation will not usually require full testing but only examination of those parameters known to be subject to change.

5.4 For infrequently used materials, reevaluation may be delayed until the material is required.

5.5 Sensitive materials should be stored under appropriate conditions where these are specified.

5.6 An important factor in reevaluation of the sensitive materials is the comprehensiveness of the material specification. When reevaluating sensitive materials the extent of changes should be considered even for parameters still within specifications.

5.7 A further point to be considered in reevaluating the older sensitive materials is the impact on the stability of the dosage form.



Name / Category of Raw Material (s)

Retest Period



Clavulanate Potasssium. Cloxacillin Sodium,

6 months



All Vitamins – B1, B2, B6, B12, Niacinamide, D3,  A, E, Calcium Pantothenate,

12 months


Antibiotics / Antibacterials other than listed in S.No.1

12 months


Betamethasone, Dexamethasone, Prednisolone, Digoxin , Empty Hard Gelatin Capsules and excepients where microbial limit test is required ( starch, lactose)

12 months



Active ingredients (other than listed above at S.No. 1 to 4 ) & preservatives

18 months



Excipients like diluents, binders, disintegrating agents, colours, flavours etc.

24 months


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