Physical Properties of Drug Molecules

Physical Properties of Drug Molecules

Contents of
This Chapter

• The liquid crystalline state, its properties and

• Determination and applications of refractive index

• Determination and applications of dipole moment

• Determination and application of dissociation constant

• Determination and applications of optical rotation

• Determination and application of dielectric constant


• At the end of this lecture, student will be able to

– Explain the concept of liquid crystalline state and
describe its properties and significance

– Explain   the   fundamental  
principles   of   refraction  
of electrons and neutrons

– Explain the relationships between atomic and molecular
forces and their response to electromagnetic energy

– Describe the fundamental principle of dissociation

  Describe the
polarization of light beams and use of polarized light to study chiral

– Discuss the relationships between atomic and molecular
forces and their response to electromagnetic energy

Crystalline State- Structure

• Liquid crystals (mesophase) are intermediate between the
liquid and solid state

• The two main types of liquid crystals are termed as:

– Sematic (soap like or grease like)

– Nematic (threadlike)

• In the sematic state molecules are mobile in two
directions and can rotate about one axis

• In the nematic state, the molecules again rotate only
about one axis but are mobile in three dimensions

• The sematic mesophase is of pharmaceutical significance

• This phase usually forms internary mixtures containing a
surfactant, water and a weakly amphiphilic or nonpolar additive

• Molecules that form mesophases are –

– Organic

– Elongated and rectilinear in shape

– Rigid

– Possesses strong dipoles and easily polarizable groups

Crystalline State- Properties and Significance

• Because of their intermediate nature, liquid crystals have
some properties of liquids and some properties of solids

• Liquid crystals are mobile and can be considered to have
flow properties of liquids

• They exhibit birefringence where, the light passing
through a material is divided into two components with different velocities and
refractive index

• The sematic mesophase has application in the
solubilization of water insoluble materials

• Liquid crystalline phases are present in emulsions and responsible
for physical stability owing to their highly viscous nature

• The lipoidal forms of liquid crystalline state is found in
nerves, brain tissue and blood vessels

• Three components of bile (cholesterol, bile acid salt and
water) can form a sematic mesophase

• The principle of liquid crystal formation can be applied
to the solubilisation and dissolution of cholesterol

• Liquid crystals have structures that are similar to those
in cell membranes


• Light passes more slowly through a substance than through

• When a ray passes from one medium to another it shows

• If light enters a denser substance at an angle, one part
of the wave slows down more quickly as it passes the interface

• This produces bending of the wave toward the interface,
this phenomenon is called refraction

• If the light enters a less dense substance, it is refracted
away from the interface

• As light enters a denser substance, the advancing waves
interact with the atoms in the substance at the interface and throughout the
thickness of the substance

• These interactions modify the light waves by absorbing
energy, resulting in the waves being closer together by reducing the speed and
shortening the wavelength

• The relative value of the effect of the refraction between
two substances is given by Snell’s law

• Snell’s law states that the refractive index (n) of the
liquid as a constant ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence to that of the

sin I          velocity of light in the first
substance            c1

n =——=
———————————————————– = ——-

sin r    velocity of the light in the second substance    c2

Where, sin i is the angle of the incident ray of light, sin
r is the sine  of  the 
angle  of  the 
refracted  ray  and 
c1   and  c2  
are  the speeds of the light in
the respective media

Index- Factors Affecting

   Refractive index
varies with the wavelength of light and the temperature

• The refractive index decreases with increase in the wavelength
of light

• Refractive index of liquid decreases as the temperature

• For measuring the refractive index of gases, pressure
should be held constant


• Molar refraction Rm, is related to both the refractive
index and the molecular properties of a compound being tested

• Molar refraction is expressed by

Where, M is the molecular weight and ρ is the density of the

Index- Applications

• To identify a substance

• Measurement of purity of a substance

• Determination of concentration

• Determination of dielectric constant

• Determination of molar polarizability

• Determination of molar refraction

Index- Determination

• Abbe’s refractometer is used to determine the refractive


• Dipolar molecule is defined as the one in which the
regions of positive and negative charges are well separated

• The separation is due to uneven distribution of electrons
in the molecule

• The regions of positive and negative charges are balanced

• Examples of dipolar molecules are water, hydrochloric acid

• In water molecules, oxygen is an electronegative atom and
have a greater tendency   draw the shared
pair of electrons towards it

• As a result hydrogen atom assumes positive charge

• Positive and negative centers are developed in the

• In a polar molecule, the separation of positively and
negatively charged regions are permanent and the molecule will possess a
permanent dipole moment, (μ)

Moment- Mathematical treatment

• Dipole moment is defined as the vector equal in magnitude
to the product of electric charge and distance, having the direction of the
line joining the positive and negative centers

• Mathematically, dipole moment (μ) can be expressed as:

Dipole moment = distance X charge

μ           =              r     X   

SI units:   cm                         meter X coulomb

• In CGS system the unit is debye

• 1 debye is equal to 10-18 electrostatic unit
(esu) cm or 3.34X 10-30 coulomb meter

• In an electric field, the molecules with permanent dipole moments
can also have induced dipole

• The total molar polarization, P, is the sum of induction
and permanent dipole effects:

Where P0 is the orientation polarization of the
permanent dipoles

Moment- Applications

• Solubilisation of drugs

• Crystalline nature of solids

• Drug receptor interactions

• Therapeutic activity of the drugs

• Chemical structure of compounds


• About 75% of all drugs are weak bases and 20% are weak acids

• As drugs are weak electrolytes they undergo dissociation

• The degree to which drugs are ionized depends on the pH of
the solution

• The relationship between pH and drug ionization is useful
in predicting the following:

– Absorption of the drug from the site of application

– Distribution of drugs from blood into tissue and brain

– Elimination of drugs by liver and kidneys

– Estimation of solubility of drugs

– Attainment of optimum bioavailability

• The ionic equations of weak acids and bases exist in equilibrium

• Equilibrium is defined as a balance between two opposing
forces or actions

• At equilibrium, concentrations of products and reactants
remain equal

• Equilibrium is a dynamic process indicating the quality
between velocities of the forward and backward reactions

Constant- Ionization Constant of a Weak Acid

• The ionization of acetic acid is a reversible chemical
reaction and can be written as:

HAc + H2O  <————-> H3O+ +Ac- ……….. (1)

  The equilibrium
rate constant K may be written as :


                K=  [H3O+ ]  [Ac −] 

[HAc] [H2O]

• The square brackets represent the stoichiometric molar concentration

• In dilute solution, water is considered regarded as

              [H3O+]  [Ac −]

Ka = K x constant =
———————– ……….(3)


• The new constant, K is denoted as ionization constant or dissociation
constant at a particular temperature

• Ka denotes the acid ionization constant

• The greater the dissociation constant of the acid, the
stronger is the acid

pKa = – log [Ka]………(4)

• The pKa is defined as the negative logarithm of acid
ionization constant

Constant- Ionization Constant of a Weak Base

• The ionization of ammonia (weak base) is a reversible chemical
reaction and is written as:

NH3 + H2O   <———–>   NH4+ + OH ……..

• Applying the law of mass action to equation (5) gives base
ionization constant (Kb) as:

[NH4+]  [OH]

Kb =
——————– …… (6)


• The general expression for ionization of base B may be
written as:

[BH+]  [OH]

              Kb = —————–
…………. (7)


• The greater the dissociation constant of the base, the
stronger is the base

• pKb is defined as the negative logarithm of base
ionization constant and it is expressed by

pkb = -log [Kb]…………..(8)


Constant- Applications

• It is important in Hendersen-Hasselbalch equation to
calculate the extent of ionization

• The absorption of drug in GIT can be predicted

• The concentration of preservative required can be

• The pH of the solution can be calculated

• It can be used to obtain the maximal yields in the
extraction of drugs

Constant- Methods of Determination

• Ionization or dissociation constant can be determined by
the following methods:

– Conductivity method

– Solubility method

– Potentiometric method

– Spectrophotometric method


• Ordinary light transmits its rays in all directions (all

• When light is allowed to pass through a polarizing prism
(Nicol prism), light vibrations in only one plane are transmitted

• Such a light beam is known as plane polarized light

• When certain substances are placed in the path of the
plane polarized light, its velocity may decrease or increase

• The change in velocity results in a corresponding change
in the rotation of plane polarized light through a certain angle called as
angle of rotation, α

• Optical activity is the ability of certain substances to
rotate the plane polarized light

• Optically active substances are the substances which can
rotate the plane polarized light either to right- side or to left- side

• When viewed through the path of beam, if the rotation of
plane polarized light takes place in clock-wise direction (towards right) it is
called Dextrorotatory

• If  the  rotation 
of  plane  polarized 
light  takes  place 
in  anti- clockwise direction
(towards left), then the rotation is called as Levorotatory

• A dextrorotatory substance produces an angle of rotation,
α, that is defined as positive

• The levorotatory substance, which rotates the beam to the
left, has an α, that is defined as negative

• Molecules that have an asymmetric center (chiral) and
therefore lack symmetry about a single plane are optically active

• Symmetric molecules (achiral) are optically inactive and
do not rotate the plane of polarized light

• Optical rotation, α, depends on density of an optically
active substance

• The specific rotation, at a specified temperature t and
wavelength λ is given by the equation

• Where l is the length in decimeters (dm) of the light path
through the sample

• g is the number of grams of optically active substance in
ν millilitre volume

Rotation- Applications

• For identification of substance

• Purity of a substance can be measured

• Concentration of a substance dissolved in a substance can
be determined

Rotation- Determination

• A polarimetry is used to measure optical activity


• Dielectric constant is a physical property that is
influenced by interatomic and intermolecular attractions

• It is a measure of efficiency of a substance to induce
dipoles in another molecule

• Condenser is one that can store electricity

• Condenser consists of two parallel plates separated by an
insulating medium

• Electricity that a condenser store is directly
proportional to the potential difference in volts applied across the plate

• Electricity in a condenser (coulombs)
potential difference (volts)

Electricity in a condenser, q = constant x potential
difference, ν

• The constant is designated as capacitance and given as:


C =  ——


• Dielectric constant can be given as:


ε = ——-


Where, ε is dielectric constant of liquid, Cx  is capacitance of condenser in liquid and C0
is capacitance of condenser in vacuum

• Dielectric constant is a physicochemical property of a
solvent relating to the amount of energy required to separate two oppositely
charged regions in the solvent as compared to the energy required to separate
the same in vacuum

• Dielectric constant is dimensionless because it is the ratio
of two capacitances

Constant in Nonpolar Compounds

• When nonpolar compounds are kept between the plates, an induced
polarization of the molecule occurs

• The induced dipole moment is proportional to the field
strength of the capacitor and the induced polarizability, αp

• The relationship can be represented as

n is the number of molecules per unit volume

Constant- Applications

• Measurement of polarity of a solvent

• Solubilisation of drugs

• Selection of solvents for the solubility of drugs


Liquid crystals
(mesophase) –
These are intermediate between the liquid and solid state

• The two main types of liquid crystals are termed as:

– Smectic (soap like or grease like)

– Nematic (threadlike)

• Because of their intermediate nature, liquid crystals have
some properties of liquids and some properties of solids

• Snell’s law –
Itstates that the refractive index (n) of the liquid as a constant ratio of the
sine of the angle of incidence to that of the refraction. It is given by

     sin i

n =  ———

    sin r

Molar refraction Rm
– Itis related to both the refractive index and the molecular properties of a
compound being tested. It is given by

• Dipolar molecule –
It is defined as the one in which the regions of positive and negative charges
are well separated

Dipole moment-
It is defined as the vector equal in magnitude to
the product of electric charge and distance, having the direction of the line
joining the positive and negative centers

• In a polar molecule, the separation of positively and
negatively charged regions are permanent and the molecule will possess a
permanent dipole moment, μ

• Dipole moment is defined as the vector equal in magnitude
to the product of electric charge and distance, having the direction of the
line joining the positive and negative centers

• The greater the dissociation constant of the acid, the
stronger is the acid

pKa = – log [Ka]

• pKb is defined as the negative logarithm of   base
ionization constant and it is expressed by

pkb = -log [Kb]

• Plane polarised
When light is allowed to pass through a polarizing prism (Nicol
prism), light vibrations in only one plane are transmitted, and such a light
beam is known as plane polarized light

• Optical activity –
It is the ability of certain substances to rotate the plane polarized light

• Optically active
substances –
These are the substances which can rotate the plane polarized
light either to right- side or to left- side

• Dextrorotatory substances rotate the plane polarised light
towards the right, has an α, that is defined as positive

• Levorotatory substances rotate the plane polarised light towards
left, has an α, that is defined as negative

• Specific rotation –
The specific rotation, at a specified temperature t and
wavelength λ is given by the equation

• A polarimeter is used to measure optical rotation

Dielectric constant
It is a physicochemical property of a solvent relating to the amount of energy
required to separate two oppositely charged regions in the solvent as compared
to the energy required to separate the same in vacuum

• Dielectric constant can be given as:


ε =  ——-


• Dielectric constant is dimensionless

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