Practice School – B. Pharma 7th Semester Notes

Practice School – B. Pharma 7th Semester Notes

Practice School - B. Pharma 7th Semester Notes

Scope: Introduction to pharmacy practice will help in the understanding of practical aspects of the field. This will also help to accomplish future endeavors as well as employability.

Objectives: Upon completion of the course, the student shall be able to:

• Understand the advanced instruments used and their applications in drug analysis.

• Understand the concepts and applications of alternative medicine.

 Learn to execute and utilize software of pharmaceutical importance.

• Understand the calibration of various analytical instruments.

• Know the analysis of drugs using various analytical instruments.

Course content:

Every candidate shall undergo practice school for a period of 150 hours evenly distributed throughout the semester. The student shall opt for any one of the domains. Every student shall submit a printed report (in triplicate) on the practice school he/she attended (not more than 25 pages).

Domains (anyone to opt):


    Formulation development

    Quality control and quality assurance

    Drug design and process chemistry

    Pharmaceutical software

    Artificial intelligence

    3D printing



    Alternative medicine



HPLC simulator

HPLC Simulator
Molecular Docking
Report Submission
Container Closure Integrity Testing 
Packaging materials in the pharmaceutical industry
Practice school presentation
Recent trends in packaging
Compendium of CPCSEA
Experiments on CNS
Screening of Anti-Parkinsons Agent

Practice School and Its Relevance in Phytomedicine

Practice School is a vital component of pharmaceutical education that provides students with hands-on experience and exposure to real-world scenarios in the field of phytomedicine. Phytomedicine refers to the use of plant-based materials for medicinal purposes. In the context of Practice School, students can gain practical knowledge and skills in various aspects related to phytomedicine. Let’s explore some key areas of focus within Practice School related to phytomedicine.

Formulation Development:
One aspect emphasized during Practice School is formulation development. Students learn how to formulate herbal medicines and develop dosage forms using plant-based ingredients. They acquire knowledge of techniques and technologies involved in the development of herbal formulations, ensuring the stability, bioavailability, and effectiveness of phytomedicinal products.

Quality Control and Quality Assurance:
Quality control and quality assurance are essential to ensure the safety and efficacy of phytomedicines. Practice School provides students with an opportunity to understand and implement quality control measures for herbal products. They learn about quality testing procedures, standardization techniques, and regulatory requirements for herbal medicines.

Drug Design and Process Chemistry:
Students gain insights into the principles of drug design and process chemistry in the context of phytomedicine. They learn how to identify bioactive compounds from plants, study their pharmacological activities, and optimize their chemical structures for improved therapeutic outcomes. Additionally, they acquire knowledge of various extraction techniques and process optimization for the efficient extraction of bioactive compounds from medicinal plants.

Pharmaceutical Software and Artificial Intelligence:
Practice School exposes students to pharmaceutical software and artificial intelligence tools relevant to phytomedicine. They learn to utilize software for data analysis, computational modeling, and prediction of bioactivity. Artificial intelligence techniques are employed for data mining, pattern recognition, and predictive modeling in the field of phytomedicine, aiding in the discovery and development of novel plant-based medicines.

3D Printing:
The application of 3D printing in phytomedicine is gaining prominence. Practice School allows students to explore the potential of 3D printing technology in the fabrication of personalized herbal dosage forms and drug delivery systems. They learn to design and manufacture customized herbal formulations using 3D printing techniques, enabling patient-centric care and personalized medicine.

Nutraceuticals and Cosmeceuticals:
Practice School provides an opportunity to delve into the world of nutraceuticals and cosmeceuticals. Students learn about the development, quality control, and regulatory aspects of plant-based products used for nutritional supplementation and skincare. They gain insights into the integration of herbal ingredients into dietary supplements and cosmetics, ensuring safety and efficacy.

Alternative Medicine:
Phytomedicine is a crucial component of alternative medicine systems, such as traditional Chinese medicine, Ayurveda, and traditional medicine practices from various cultures. Practice School offers students exposure to these alternative medicine systems, enabling them to understand the principles, practices, and therapeutic approaches used in phytomedicine within these frameworks.

Recommended Books (Latest Editions)

• Pharmacognosy by Trease and Evans.

 Mukherjee, P.W. Quality Control of Herbal Drugs: An Approach to Evaluation of Botanicals. Business Horizons Publishers, New Delhi, India, 2002.

• Current Concepts in Drug Design by T. Durai and Ananda Kumar.

 Patrick Graham, L., An Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry, Oxford University Press.

• Smith HJ, Williams H, eds, “Introduction to the principles of Drug Design” Wright Boston.

• Prescott and Dunn. Industrial Microbiology, 4th edition, CBS Publishers & Distributors, Delhi.

 B.R. Glick and J.J. Pasternak: Molecular Biotechnology: Principles and Applications of Recombinant DNA: ASM Press Washington D.C.

• Harry’s Cosmetology, Wilkinson, Moore, Seventh Edition, George Godwin.

• Poucher’s Perfumes, Cosmetic & Soaps by Poucher W.A., Butler, H., Springer India Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi.

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