Scope and future prospects of Herbal Drug Industry

Scope and future prospects of Herbal Drug Industry


At the
end of this lecture, student will be able to

       Explain the scope and future
prospects of  herbal drug industry

       Identify  the research institutions  involved in herbal drug research

Scope of Herbal Drug Industry

       Worldwide herbal drug industry is
growing up at a fast speed

       Herbal Medicine is defined as branch
of science in which plant based formulations are used to alleviate the diseases

       In the early twentieth century, when
synthetic analgesics and antibiotics were not yet widely available, herbal
medicine was the predominant mode of treatment

       With increasing use of allopathic
system of medicine, herbal medicine gradually lost its popularity among people

        Almost a century has passed and it has witnessed
limitations of allopathic system of medicine  

       Lately herbal medicine has gained
momentum and it is evident from the fact that certain herbal remedies are more

       Substances derived from the plants
remain the basis for a large proportion of the commercial medications used
today for the treatment of heart disease, high BP, pain, asthma, etc

        For example, Ephedra is a herb used in
Traditional Chinese Medicine for more than two thousand years to treat asthma
and other respiratory problems

       Another example of the use of a
herbal preparation in modern medicine is the foxglove plant

       This herb had been in use since 1775

        At present, the powdered leaf of this plant is
known as the cardiac stimulant to the millions of heart patients

       Usage of herbs to treat a variety of
different ailments is universal, and exists in every human culture on Earth

       Because of the high costs involved
with manufacturing modern medicines, many people living in developing nations
simply do not have the financial resources to pay for them

       As a result, they are forced to use
natural herbs as an affordable alternative

       In recent years, many people living
in developed countries have begin taking a second look at herbal medicines due
to the rising cost of medicine and healthcare in their own nations


 Herbs are crude drugs of plant origin that are
used in the treatment of disease states, often of a chronic nature, or to
attain or maintain a condition of improved health


of herbal drugs:

       Non – toxic

       No/less side effects

       Easily available

       Affordable prices

India is
one of the major producer of medicinal plants, because

       Availability of vast areas

       Wide variations in climate, soil,

       Presence of rich flora

       China and India are the two great
producers of medicinal plants – 40%

       Global traditional market – 7-15 %

       According to NMPB, Govt of India ,
India has 17,000-18,000 species of flowering plants

       6000-7000 species have medicinal
properties that are of use in folk and documented in Ayurveda, Siddha etc

        960 species – Traded

       178 species – Annual level
consumption level in excess of 100 metric tonnes

       Western Ghats, Eastern Himalayas and
Andaman and Nicobar island

       India – World’s Herbal Garden

plant based industries

       Products based on Indian system of
medicine – Ayurveda, siddha and Unani

       Plant products and extracts

       Essential oils


       Nutraceuticals – Herbal teas,
anti-oxidants, probiotic, prebiotic etc

       Herbal cosmetics

prospects of herbal drug industry are very bright in India

       WHO has stressed on the need of
better utilization of the indigenous system of medicine which is based on the
local availability of medicinal plants in the country. Therefore there is
tremendous  increase in the use of plant
derived products

       Drug development from medicinal
plants is cheaper as compared to synthetic drug development

       Agro climatic conditions in India,
which vary from mild temperate to tropical regions with abundant  rains and sunshine make it an ideal place for
the growth of the flora

       India is enriched with 25% of the
biodiversity  of the world and there is
no short of herbal raw materials for herbal drug industry

       There has been increased demand of
raw medicinal herbs of Indian origin from western countries

       India has an impressive medical
heritage, which comprises various systems of medicine such as Ayurveda, Siddha,
Unani and Homeopathy

       India is the source of cheap labour
and skilled man power, which readily absorbs and adopts technological change

       Being strategically located in the world
map, India could become a  potential
supplier of phytopharmaceuticals  an raw
medicinal herbs in near future for the growing world market

Herbal Drug Industries

          Name of the company

         Examples of products

Drug Company

Liv 52,
Bonnisan, Mentat, Septilin


Hajmola, Pudinhara


oil, Boroplus, Fast relief


Mahabhringharaj oil

kasturi Pharmaceuticals

kasturi breath, Mygrane oil


Guggul, Pancharista, Keasri jeevan


G, Medimix, cuticura talc

Research Institutions/Centres



(Central  Council  for Research in Ayurveda and Siddha)

New Delhi

(National Botanical Research Institute)


Institute of Ayurveda


Medicinal Plants Board

New Delhi

Medical Research Centre


(Central Drug Research Institute)


Buraeu of Plant Genetic Resources

New Delhi

(Foundation for Revitalisation of Local Health Traditions)



Ø  Herbal Medicine is defined as branch
of science in which plant based formulations are used to alleviate the diseases

Ø  Botanical medicine or phytomedicine

Ø  Herbs – plant origin that are used
in the treatment of disease states, No/less side effects, easily available,
affordable prices

Ø  Future prospects

Ø  Herbal drug industries and research


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