Disorders of Haemopoietic System – Human Anatomy and Physiology B. Pharma 1st Semester

Disorders of
Haemopoietic System


At the end of this
lecture, student will be able to

• Discuss the disorders of haemopoietic system


• Disorders of hemopoietic system

of Haemopoietic System


• Condition in which the oxygen-carrying capacity of blood
is reduced

 • Characterized by
reduced numbers of RBCs or a decreased amount of hemoglobin in the blood

• The person feels fatigued and is intolerant of cold
(related to lack of oxygen needed for ATP and heat production)

• Skin appears pale
(low content of Hb)

Symptoms of Anaemia

• Pallor

• Fatigue

• Shortness of breath

• Tachycardia

• Headache

• Irritability

• Syncope

Types of Anaemia

• Iron deficiency
anemia –
Inadequate absorption, excessive loss

• Megaloblastic
anemia –
Inadequate intake of vitamin B or folic acid

• Hemorrhagic anemia
Excessive loss of RBCs through bleeding

• Aplastic anemia –
Destruction of red bone marrow results in aplastic anemia

• Pernicious anemia –
Insufficient hemopoiesis – inability of the stomach to produce intrinsic factor

• Hemolytic anemia

– RBC plasma membranes rupture prematurely

– The released Hb may damage glomeruli

• Thalassemia

– Deficient synthesis of hemoglobin

– The RBCs are small (microcytic), pale (hypochromic), and

Sickle-Cell Disease

Hb-S, an abnormal kind of hemoglobin

• When Hb-S gives up oxygen, it forms long, stiff, rod like
structures – bend the erythrocyte into sickle shape

• The sickled cells rupture easily

• Leads to some degree of anemia and mild jaundice

• May experience joint or bone pain, breathlessness, rapid
heart rate, abdominal pain, fever, and fatigue


• Inherited deficiency of clotting

• Bleeding may occur spontaneously

• Oldest known hereditary bleeding disorder

• Sometimes referred to as the royal disease

Willebrand Disease

• Most common hereditary coagulation abnormality

• Arises from a qualitative or quantitative deficiency of
von willebrand factor (vWF)

• vWF – A multimeric protein, required for platelet adhesion


• Group of red bone marrow cancer in which abnormal white
blood cells multiply uncontrollably

• The cancerous white blood cells spread to the lymph nodes,
liver, and spleen, causing them to enlarge

• All leukemias produce the usual symptoms of anemia (fatigue,
intolerance to cold, and pale skin)

• In addition, weight loss, fever, night sweats, excessive
bleeding, and recurrent infections may occur

Common Symptoms of


  The  ABO 
blood  grouping    Based  on 
antigen  (A  or 
B)  and antibody ( A or B) type

 • Erythroblastosis
Foetalis: Rh incompatibility between mother and foetus

• Disorders: Anaemia, Hemophilia, leukemia and sickle cell

• Symptoms of anaemia: Pallor, Fatigue, Shortness of breath,
Tachycardia, Headache, Irritability, Syncope