Effective Written Communication

Effective Written Communication

Effective Written Communication

Effective Written Communication


At the end of this session, students will be able to:

• Identify the importance of written communication

• Recognize inappropriate situations for written communication

• Comprehend the needs and requirement of the reader and deliver an appropriate message

• Apply a suitable format for written communication

Introduction –Written Communication

Written communication provides a document trail for work done. It allows the reader to thoroughly understand the topic in question.

Importance-Effective Written Communication

• Writing is unique, formal, valid, reliable, precise and explicit

• Lays down principles, policies, procedures and rules

• Develops and enhances an organization’s image and reputation

• Provides ready records and references

• Legal defense depends upon written communication as it provides valid records

Examples of Effective Written Communication

Overcoming Language Barrier

Broad Casting

Record Keeping

Effective Time Management


Use Live Messenger instead of video conference in case  understanding different dialect is a concern

Twitter, Face book, Google‘s feed can be used for broadcasting information

Emails and Reports are the best way to keep organizational records

Email, Fax, texts are effective means of conveying information


The Least Effective Written Communication

Written communication is not effective when:

• The topic is complex

• Discussions are required

• There are different shades of meaning

Shades of Meaning

Words, with them bring different connotations when used in written text. The connotation depends on:

• Cultural backgrounds

• The ability to express emotions appropriately

In a professional context, one should be careful of the words chosen to express interest / emotions. Ambiguity needs to be avoided.

Writing Effectively – E-mails, Letters and Memos

The following information and advice relates to email or paper communication:

• Subject Lines

• Put the Main Point First

• Know your Audience

• Organization of the Message

• Subject Lines: The communication is the headline. It:

– Draws attention and informs about the topic

– Provides guidance on the course of action

– Helps recipient to prioritize

• Put main point first:

– Saves time

– Focuses on the information

– Provides clarity in the content

• Know your audience

– Identify to whom you are writing

– identify what others would gain from the information

– Decide whether it is for all, or particular identified
members of the audience

• Organization of the Message: If there are multiple calls to action in the same mail or letter, one should:

• Segregate as per the priority

• Use relevant headers: Topic – Headings, Response needed, Background, Concerns etc.

Writing Effectively – Reports

A report is a written document with the specific intention of relaying information or recounting certain events in a presentable form.

The report should contain:

• Title

• Introduction

• Body

• Conclusion

• Summary

• Recommendations

Writing Effectively – Proposals

The proposal is a formal way of putting forth an idea and asking for action to be taken on that idea.

It contains:

• Plan the proposal

• Define the audience

• Present issues /problems

• Solutions/benefits

• Deliverables

• Success Criteria

• Deadline /Plan /Approach

• Cost/Budget


Effective written communication helps the reader to comprehend, analyse and respond to it.

• Importance of effective written communication-It maintains the documents or records. It generates a formal and distinct relationship

• The most effective written communication authentic, reliable, saves time and makes the communication crystal clear

• The least effective written communication when the information is more, decision making, long explanations, conversations and controversial subjects

• Writing effectively

Subject lines

Organization of the message

Put the main point first

Know your audience

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