Hyoscyamus – Source, diagnostic characters, constituents, tests and uses


Source, diagnostic characters, constituents, tests and uses

Hyoscyamus - Source, diagnostic characters, constituents, tests and uses


At the end of this lecture, student will be able to

Discuss the source, diagnostic characters, constituents, tests and uses of Hyoscyamus


• Consists of matted leaves or leaves and flowering tops with stem

• Pale greyish green colour

• Calmmy and resinous to touch



• Henbane, Folia Hyoscyami


• Dried leaves and flowering tops of Hyoscyamus niger


• Solanaceae

Morphology of Hyoscyamus

First Biennial henbane: (Specimen consisting of leaves only)

• Ovate to lanceolate

• More or less broken or crumpled

• 20-30 cm long, 7-10 cm wide

• Petiole- flat, 5 cm long

• Lamina- coarsely dentate

• Apex –acute, acute points at the lobes which are about 5-6 in each side

• Base – acute

• Midrib- broad,

• Trichomes-Glandular, abundant on midrib and principal veins

Second Biennial henbane or flowering tops:

• Consists of more slender parts of stem together with leaves and flowers


• Hollow

• Light green

• Covered with glandular trichomes

• Furrows because of shrinkage

• Alternate leaf scars


Hyoscyamus Leaf

• Sessile

• Oblong ovate

• Crumpled and broken

• 5-20 cm long, 3-8 cm wide, 2-5 coarse teeth or lobes on each side Base-cordate

• Midrib- broad, flat, with 4-5 veins leaving at right angles, pinnately arranged, terminates at the lobes or teeth


• Crowded together

• Pedicel short – 4 mm long

• Calyx – urceolate with 5 lobes each with an apical spine

• Corolla – funnel shaped, five slightly unequal, rounded lobes yellow with purple veins

• Androceium- purple anthers

• Ovary- bicarpellary, 2 locules

• Ovules- Numerous

• Placentation – Axile

flower of Hyoscyamus

Annual henbane

• Mostly imported drug of poor quality

• Characters similar to that of biennial henbane, but stems are more slender, leaves smaller

Microscopy of Hyoscyamus


• Epidermis with smooth cuticle, anticlinal walls

• Stomata- anisocytic

• Trichomes:

– Covering- conical, uniseriate, 2-4 celled

– Glandular- uniseriate, 2-6 celled, ovoid multicellular and some clavate glandular


• (Usually dorsiventral, occasionally isobilateral or undifferentiated)

• Palisade- single layer

• Crystal layer – beneath the palisade layer (Tetragonal prisms, cluster, sandy microsphenoidal)

• Midrib- Meristele surrounded by endodermis with starch

• Narrow arc of xylem, beneath which narrow band of phloem

Constituents of Hyoscyamus:

Hyoscyamine and traces of scopolamine (hyoscine)

• Total alkaloid- 0.045-0.14 %

• Annual henbane – 0.03 %

• Seeds – 0.05 % (alkaloids present in testa only), 20 % fixed oil


• Vitali morin test


• Cerebral and spinal sedative

• Does not excite as that of belladonna, hence given in insomnia when opium cannot be given

• Relieves griping caused by drastic purgatives

• Seeds placed over hot coal and vapours produced allowed to enter mouth, is domestic remedy for toothache

Substituents and Adulterants

H. albus, Continental henbane

H. muticus, Egyptian henbane

H. reticulates, Indian henbane

• Leaves of dandelion, Taraxacum officinale (Compositae) –substituted for henbane

H. aureus, H. pusillus- Hyoscine, principal alkaloid

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