Carbohydrates MCQs Based on One Shot Notes

Carbohydrates MCQs Based on One Shot Notes

Carbohydrates MCQs Based on One Shot Notes

Carbohydrates MCQs

Here are 50+ multiple choice questions (MCQs) with their answers related to carbohydrates in biochemistry:

  1. What is the general formula for carbohydrates?
  • (a) Cn(H2O)nC_n(H_2O)_nCn​(H2​O)n​
  • (b) CH4CH_4CH4​
  • (c) CnH2OnC_nH_2O_nCn​H2​On​
  • (d) CnH2nOn+1C_nH_{2n}O_{n+1}Cn​H2n​On+1​
    Answer: (a) Cn(H2O)nC_n(H_2O)_nCn​(H2​O)n​
  1. Which of the following is an example of an aldose?
  • (a) Fructose
  • (b) Ribulose
  • (c) Glucose
  • (d) Xylulose
    Answer: (c) Glucose
  1. Which monosaccharide contains a ketone group?
  • (a) Glucose
  • (b) Fructose
  • (c) Galactose
  • (d) Mannose
    Answer: (b) Fructose
  1. Disaccharides are composed of how many monosaccharides?
  • (a) One
  • (b) Two
  • (c) Three
  • (d) More than three
    Answer: (b) Two
  1. Which of the following is a reducing sugar?
  • (a) Sucrose
  • (b) Lactose
  • (c) Starch
  • (d) Cellulose
    Answer: (b) Lactose
  1. Which of the following polysaccharides is a structural component of plant cell walls?
  • (a) Glycogen
  • (b) Amylopectin
  • (c) Cellulose
  • (d) Amylose
    Answer: (c) Cellulose
  1. Glycogen is primarily stored in which of the following tissues?
  • (a) Liver and muscles
  • (b) Heart and brain
  • (c) Lungs and pancreas
  • (d) Skin and adipose tissue
    Answer: (a) Liver and muscles
  1. Which disaccharide is composed of glucose and fructose?
  • (a) Maltose
  • (b) Lactose
  • (c) Sucrose
  • (d) Cellobiose
    Answer: (c) Sucrose
  1. Which of the following is not a monosaccharide?
  • (a) Glucose
  • (b) Ribose
  • (c) Lactose
  • (d) Mannose
    Answer: (c) Lactose
  1. The breakdown of glycogen into glucose is called?
  • (a) Glycogenesis
  • (b) Glycogenolysis
  • (c) Gluconeogenesis
  • (d) Lipogenesis
    Answer: (b) Glycogenolysis
  1. Which of the following carbohydrates is found in milk?
  • (a) Fructose
  • (b) Maltose
  • (c) Lactose
  • (d) Sucrose
    Answer: (c) Lactose
  1. What is the basic unit of cellulose?
  • (a) Glucose
  • (b) Galactose
  • (c) Ribose
  • (d) Fructose
    Answer: (a) Glucose
  1. What type of bond joins monosaccharides in a disaccharide?
  • (a) Hydrogen bond
  • (b) Glycosidic bond
  • (c) Peptide bond
  • (d) Ionic bond
    Answer: (b) Glycosidic bond
  1. Which pathway is responsible for producing NADPH?
  • (a) Glycolysis
  • (b) HMP shunt
  • (c) Citric Acid Cycle
  • (d) Beta-oxidation
    Answer: (b) HMP shunt
  1. Which of the following sugars is a non-reducing sugar?
  • (a) Sucrose
  • (b) Glucose
  • (c) Maltose
  • (d) Lactose
    Answer: (a) Sucrose
  1. In the HMP shunt, what is the primary sugar used to generate ribose-5-phosphate?
  • (a) Fructose-6-phosphate
  • (b) Glucose-6-phosphate
  • (c) Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate
  • (d) Pyruvate
    Answer: (b) Glucose-6-phosphate
  1. Which enzyme is responsible for breaking down starch into maltose?
  • (a) Amylase
  • (b) Lactase
  • (c) Sucrase
  • (d) Cellulase
    Answer: (a) Amylase
  1. The storage form of glucose in plants is?
  • (a) Glycogen
  • (b) Amylose
  • (c) Amylopectin
  • (d) Starch
    Answer: (d) Starch
  1. Which of the following is a triose?
  • (a) Ribose
  • (b) Glucose
  • (c) Glyceraldehyde
  • (d) Erythrose
    Answer: (c) Glyceraldehyde
  1. Which of the following is a homopolysaccharide?
  • (a) Glycogen
  • (b) Heparin
  • (c) Hyaluronic acid
  • (d) Chondroitin sulfate
    Answer: (a) Glycogen
  1. What enzyme converts glucose-6-phosphate to fructose-6-phosphate in glycolysis?
  • (a) Phosphofructokinase
  • (b) Hexokinase
  • (c) Phosphoglucoisomerase
  • (d) Aldolase
    Answer: (c) Phosphoglucoisomerase
  1. Which of the following polysaccharides is used for energy storage in animals?
  • (a) Starch
  • (b) Glycogen
  • (c) Cellulose
  • (d) Pectin
    Answer: (b) Glycogen
  1. Which of the following is an epimer of glucose?
  • (a) Mannose
  • (b) Galactose
  • (c) Fructose
  • (d) Ribose
    Answer: (b) Galactose
  1. The enzyme that converts glucose-6-phosphate to glucose is?
  • (a) Glucose-6-phosphatase
  • (b) Phosphoglucomutase
  • (c) Hexokinase
  • (d) Glucokinase
    Answer: (a) Glucose-6-phosphatase
  1. Which of the following sugars is found in RNA?
  • (a) Ribose
  • (b) Deoxyribose
  • (c) Glucose
  • (d) Fructose
    Answer: (a) Ribose
  1. Which of the following enzymes is involved in the non-oxidative phase of the HMP shunt?
  • (a) Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
  • (b) Transketolase
  • (c) Phosphofructokinase
  • (d) Hexokinase
    Answer: (b) Transketolase
  1. Which of the following carbohydrates is a pentose sugar?
  • (a) Ribose
  • (b) Galactose
  • (c) Mannose
  • (d) Glucose
    Answer: (a) Ribose
  1. Which disaccharide contains a beta-1,4 glycosidic bond?
  • (a) Sucrose
  • (b) Lactose
  • (c) Maltose
  • (d) Amylose
    Answer: (b) Lactose
  1. Which polysaccharide consists of a branched chain structure?
  • (a) Amylose
  • (b) Amylopectin
  • (c) Cellulose
  • (d) Erythrose
    Answer: (b) Amylopectin
  1. Which of the following is not a polysaccharide?
  • (a) Chitin
  • (b) Starch
  • (c) Cellulose
  • (d) Sucrose
    Answer: (d) Sucrose
  1. Which of the following is an essential intermediate in gluconeogenesis?
  • (a) Pyruvate
  • (b) Citrate
  • (c) Malate
  • (d) Oxaloacetate
    Answer: (d) Oxaloacetate
  1. Which of the following sugars is commonly known as table sugar?
  • (a) Sucrose
  • (b) Glucose
  • (c) Fructose
  • (d) Maltose
    Answer: (a) Sucrose
  1. What is the storage form of carbohydrates in plants?
  • (a) Amylose
  • (b) Amylopectin
  • (c) Starch
  • (d) Glycogen
    Answer: (c) Starch
  1. Which sugar is part of the structure of DNA?
  • (a) Glucose
  • (b) Ribose
  • (c) Deoxyribose
  • (d) Galactose
    Answer: (c) Deoxyribose
  1. Which of the following is not part of the glycolytic pathway?
  • (a) Pyruvate
  • (b) Phosphoenolpyruvate
  • (c) Malate
  • (d) Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate
    Answer: (c) Malate
  1. Which of the following enzymes catalyzes the first step of glycolysis?
  • (a) Hexokinase
  • (b) Phosphoglucomutase
  • (c) Aldolase
  • (d) Enolase
    Answer: (a) Hexokinase
  1. Which of the following processes is involved in the formation of glucose from non-carbohydrate sources?
  • (a) Glycolysis
  • (b) Gluconeogenesis
  • (c) Glycogenolysis
  • (d) Lipolysis
    Answer: (b) Gluconeogenesis
  1. Which polysaccharide is commonly referred to as “animal starch”?
  • (a) Amylose
  • (b) Glycogen
  • (c) Cellulose
  • (d) Pectin
    Answer: (b) Glycogen
  1. Which enzyme is involved in converting fructose-6-phosphate to fructose-1,6-bisphosphate?
  • (a) Phosphofructokinase
  • (b) Aldolase
  • (c) Enolase
  • (d) Pyruvate kinase
    Answer: (a) Phosphofructokinase
  1. In which pathway is glucose converted into pyruvate?
  • (a) Glycolysis
  • (b) Gluconeogenesis
  • (c) Glycogenesis
  • (d) Citric Acid Cycle
    Answer: (a) Glycolysis
  1. Which sugar is considered an epimer of mannose?
  • (a) Glucose
  • (b) Ribose
  • (c) Galactose
  • (d) Fructose
    Answer: (a) Glucose
  1. Which sugar is a ketose?
  • (a) Galactose
  • (b) Glucose
  • (c) Mannose
  • (d) Fructose
    Answer: (d) Fructose
  1. Which enzyme breaks down maltose into glucose molecules?
  • (a) Sucrase
  • (b) Lactase
  • (c) Maltase
  • (d) Amylase
    Answer: (c) Maltase
  1. Which of the following is a polysaccharide that acts as an energy reserve in plants?
  • (a) Glycogen
  • (b) Starch
  • (c) Cellulose
  • (d) Chitin
    Answer: (b) Starch
  1. Which enzyme catalyzes the conversion of glucose to glucose-6-phosphate in the first step of glycolysis?
  • (a) Phosphofructokinase
  • (b) Glucokinase
  • (c) Hexokinase
  • (d) Pyruvate kinase
    Answer: (c) Hexokinase
  1. Which sugar is a reducing sugar?
  • (a) Sucrose
  • (b) Lactose
  • (c) Glucose
  • (d) Both (b) and (c)
    Answer: (d) Both (b) and (c)
  1. Which of the following is the most abundant carbohydrate in nature?
  • (a) Glucose
  • (b) Cellulose
  • (c) Sucrose
  • (d) Fructose
    Answer: (b) Cellulose
  1. Which polysaccharide is a major component of the exoskeleton in arthropods?
  • (a) Cellulose
  • (b) Glycogen
  • (c) Chitin
  • (d) Pectin
    Answer: (c) Chitin
  1. Which sugar is commonly found in DNA?
  • (a) Glucose
  • (b) Ribose
  • (c) Deoxyribose
  • (d) Fructose
    Answer: (c) Deoxyribose
  1. What is the main function of glycogen in animals?
  • (a) Structural support
  • (b) Energy storage
  • (c) Detoxification
  • (d) Cellular communication
    Answer: (b) Energy storage
  1. Which of the following polysaccharides is not digestible by humans?
  • (a) Starch
  • (b) Glycogen
  • (c) Cellulose
  • (d) Maltose
    Answer: (c) Cellulose
  1. Which of the following molecules is involved in the regulation of blood glucose levels?
  • (a) Glucagon
  • (b) Insulin
  • (c) Glycogen
  • (d) All of the above
    Answer: (d) All of the above
  1. Which pathway is used to break down glucose into pyruvate in cells?
  • (a) HMP shunt
  • (b) Glycolysis
  • (c) Citric Acid Cycle
  • (d) Gluconeogenesis
    Answer: (b) Glycolysis
  1. Which enzyme converts pyruvate into oxaloacetate during gluconeogenesis?
  • (a) Pyruvate carboxylase
  • (b) Pyruvate dehydrogenase
  • (c) Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase
  • (d) Aldolase
    Answer: (a) Pyruvate carboxylase
  1. What is the final product of glycolysis?
  • (a) Glucose
  • (b) Fructose
  • (c) Pyruvate
  • (d) Ribose
    Answer: (c) Pyruvate
  1. Which enzyme catalyzes the final step of glycolysis, converting phosphoenolpyruvate into pyruvate?
  • (a) Pyruvate kinase
  • (b) Phosphofructokinase
  • (c) Hexokinase
  • (d) Glucokinase
    Answer: (a) Pyruvate kinase
  1. Which sugar is the major source of energy for cells?
  • (a) Glucose
  • (b) Fructose
  • (c) Sucrose
  • (d) Lactose
    Answer: (a) Glucose
  1. Which of the following sugars is the sweetest?
  • (a) Sucrose
  • (b) Glucose
  • (c) Fructose
  • (d) Lactose
    Answer: (c) Fructose
  1. What is the main product of the oxidative phase of the pentose phosphate pathway?
  • (a) NADPH
  • (b) ATP
  • (c) FADH2
  • (d) Glucose
    Answer: (a) NADPH
  1. Which enzyme is responsible for breaking down cellulose in herbivores?
  • (a) Cellulase
  • (b) Amylase
  • (c) Lactase
  • (d) Sucrase
    Answer: (a) Cellulase

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