Free RRB Pharmacist Mock Test: Based on RRB Pharmacist Exam 2019

Free RRB Pharmacist Mock Test: Based on RRB Pharmacist Exam 2019

Are you preparing for the RRB Pharmacist Grade 3 exam? Boost your preparation with our free RRB Railway Pharmacist Mock Test designed specifically to align with the RRB Pharmacist Grade 3 Exam 2019 syllabus and pattern.

Free RRB Pharmacist Mock Test

Are you preparing for the RRB Pharmacist Grade 3 exam? Boost your preparation with our free RRB Railway Pharmacist Mock Test designed specifically to align with the RRB Pharmacist Grade 3 Exam 2019 syllabus and pattern. This mock test includes 100 carefully curated questions, covering important topics from Pharmacology, Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, and other relevant subjects.

You will have 60 minutes to complete the test, simulating the real exam environment, helping you manage time and improve accuracy. Take this test to identify your strengths and weaknesses, and to enhance your confidence before the actual exam.

Whether you’re a fresh candidate or revising your syllabus, this mock test is an excellent tool to aid your RRB exam preparation. Best of all, it’s completely free! Start your journey towards a successful RRB Pharmacist career today!

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RRB Pharmacist

RRB Pharmacist Quiz Based on 2019 Exam Paper

1 / 100

1. An ideal sunscreening agent should absorb erythmogenic radiations in the range of

2 / 100

2. On dividing a number by 371, we get 52 as remainder. On dividing the same number by 53, what will be the remainder?

3 / 100

3. Which dye will give yellow colour

4 / 100

4. Narora Nuclear Power Plant is located in which of the following States?

5 / 100

5. Which of the following drug is used to demonstrate the topical action on eye?

6 / 100

6. Insulin is composed of total _________

7 / 100

7. The process of transferring of charge from a charged object to the earth is called

8 / 100

8. Indicate the gas used for sterilisation

9 / 100

9. Which among the following is used for radioactive dating?

10 / 100

10. In a certain code language, if ALLOW is coded as ODOZR, then how is DELAY coded in that language?

11 / 100

11. State of being free from all living microorganisms is known as

12 / 100

12. Reduction in chemical reactions is the ___________

13 / 100

13. In the (preparation of liposomes) proliposomes method, the lipids are dried down to a finely divided particulate support such as

14 / 100

14. How many registered pharmacists elected amongst themselves for state pharmacy council?

15 / 100

15. Sterilisatation by Autoclave is an example for

16 / 100

16. The extent of reproducibility of the result is

17 / 100

17. By selling a CPU for Rs.6095, a man makes a profit of 15%. At what price should he sell it to make a profit of 25%? (in Rs.)

18 / 100

18. Flame Ionisation Detector is the most common detector for

19 / 100

19. The percentage of total calories obtained from carbohydrates should be between

20 / 100

20. The ratio of number of girls to boys in a school of 3060 students is 33 : 35. How many more girls should be admitted to make the ratio 1 : 1?

21 / 100

21. Dioscin on hydrolysis gives

22 / 100

22. Which one of the following lymphocytes produce antibodies?

23 / 100

23. Who is called the Indian Einstein?

24 / 100

24. 1650 boys and 1100 girls are examined in a test; 42% of the boys and 36% of the girls pass the test. The percentage of the total who failed is

25 / 100

25. Wilhelmy plate method" is used to measure

26 / 100

26. name for the structure CH -3 CH -2 CH -2 CH2 IUP AC is

27 / 100

27. Impure blood (deoxygenated ) carried by _________

28 / 100

28. Ethylene gas promotes

29 / 100

29. "Cryoscopic method" is used to adjust

30 / 100

30. What is AYUSH?

31 / 100

31. What you mean by Botanical identity of a medicinal plant?

32 / 100

32. Which of the following is not a strongly activating ortho paradirectors?

33 / 100

33. A woman stands on the road facing South direction. She turns 72 degrees in clockwise direction and 162 degrees in anti-clockwise direction. Which direction is she facing now?

34 / 100

34. Bacterial cell walls are composed of

35 / 100

35. Indicate the chemical constituent of Vitamin D

36 / 100

36. If "extraction ratio (ER) value is zero", then there is no

37 / 100

37. Identify the mechanism of the hammer mill

38 / 100

38. Members of Rajya Sabha are elected for a term of

39 / 100

39. Name the schedule in which the factory premises must comply

40 / 100

40. Which one of the following is NOT a terms associated with therapeutic Drug-drug interaction?

41 / 100

41. Indicate the example of Pneumatic dryers

42 / 100

42. Indicate the amount of gelling agent used in after shave gel

43 / 100

43. Which type of resin present in Benzoin ?

44 / 100

44. Two bells ring at intervals of 86 seconds and 48 seconds. If they both ring at 10 O'clock in the morning together, after how many seconds will they ring together again?

45 / 100

45. Which one of the following is NOT a barrier to Communication?

46 / 100

46. Choose the corresponding hex decimal number for the binary number 1011.

47 / 100

47. Identify the salt used for polishing the capsule

48 / 100

48. At what time of the day is the relative humidity normally at a minimum?

49 / 100

49. The half-life of C-14 is

50 / 100

50. The Augusta Masters trophy is related to which game/sport?

51 / 100

51. What would be the period for completing priority review in NDA?

52 / 100

52. In this question, relationship between different elements is shown in the statement. Three conclusions follow this statement. Assume the given statement to be true and choose the answer from the given options:


F = L < A < R > E


i) A > E

ii) F < R

iii) L > E

53 / 100

53. How much a "post - tax return on networth" will be fixed by the government, while fixing the sale prices of bulk drugs?

54 / 100

54. Which State topped the medal tally in Khelo India Youth Games 2019?

55 / 100

55. HLB Value of sodium lauryl sulphate is

56 / 100

56. Nicotinic antagonist is

57 / 100

57. Thioglycolic acid is used in the limit test for

58 / 100

58. What is the other name for Vitamin B3?

59 / 100

59. CFR 211 refers to

60 / 100

60. The ability of the eye lens to adjust its focal length is called _________________

61 / 100

61. What is the symbol of the element Tin?

62 / 100

62. One milligram is equal to

63 / 100

63. Find the next number in the series. 4, 9, 20, 43, 90, ?

64 / 100

64. According to Wedge theory, monovalent soaps give

65 / 100

65. Sodium Fluoride is used to prevent

66 / 100

66. Which one among the following has High glycemic index?

67 / 100

67. Cells are enclosed by a plasma membrane composed mainly of .......... and ...........

68 / 100

68. Cranial nerves arises from the __________

69 / 100

69. Indicate the region of oral mucosa where the blood flow will be high?

70 / 100

70. Who discovered Penicillin vaccine?

71 / 100

71. What does a negative value of sigma signify for a substituent?

72 / 100

72. "Lyophilization" means

73 / 100

73. Which one of the following is not a kind of major punishment for various types of misconduct?

74 / 100

74. Which one of the following is the normal range of diastolic pressure?

75 / 100

75. What is the SI unit of Pressure?

76 / 100

76. In universal indicators a pH of 7 is shown with

77 / 100

77. The basis for the relationship between the voltage generated by an electrochemical cell and the relevant concentration at each electrode is explained by

78 / 100

78. Which book uses a two-letter coding system

79 / 100

79. Emetin an alkaloid of ipecacuanna, act as

80 / 100

80. Which of the following elements is a diatomic molecule?

81 / 100

81. In Kjeldahl's method, sample containing Nitrogen is digests with

82 / 100

82. The synonym for Chlorinated lime is

83 / 100

83. World heritage site 'Group of Monuments at Hampi' is situated in which State?

84 / 100

84. Jabalpur city is situated on the bank of the river

85 / 100

85. The end point of redox titration is,

86 / 100

86. Isomerism caused by the different arrangements of atoms or groups in space is called as

87 / 100

87. Indicate the use of Lanolin

88 / 100

88. Which of the following drug is used to demonstrate the mydriatic action

89 / 100

89. A tax collected at every stage of value addition either by production or distribution is known as

90 / 100

90. Which of the following is an Autosomal Dominant disorder?

91 / 100

91. The Constitution of India mainly stands for a

92 / 100

92. Among the following organs in which the perfusion rate is maximum?

93 / 100

93. If flowability is expressed as GOOD then the percentage compressibility is having the value of

94 / 100

94. A train passes a station platform in 48 seconds and a man standing on the platform in 32 seconds. If the speed of the train is 29 m/s, what is the length of the platform? (meter)

95 / 100

95. Fat soluble vitamins are binding to

96 / 100

96. What is the diameter of Large Unilamellar vesicle?

97 / 100

97. The Objects in motion on ground level possess ___________ energy. (Taking ground level as 0 potential)

98 / 100

98. Which among the following is not a 'Dissolved-materials' in domestic sewage?

99 / 100

99. Identification test for protein is

100 / 100

100. Shift in Lambda (λ) max towards longer wavelength in UV visible spectroscopy is

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