Human Anatomy and Physiology MCQs Asked in Various Pharmacist Exam Part 2

Human Anatomy and Physiology MCQs Asked in Various Pharmacist Exam Part 2

Human Anatomy and Physiology MCQs Asked in Various Pharmacist Exam

Human Anatomy and Physiology MCQs Asked in Various Pharmacist Exam

Preparing for Pharmacist exams like GPAT, ESIC, TNPSC, or HPSSC? We bring you the first part of our Human Anatomy and Physiology MCQs series, designed to help you excel in your preparation for competitive exams.

In this post, we present a carefully curated collection of multiple-choice questions (MCQs) that have been asked in various Pharmacist recruitment exams. Each question is accompanied by the correct answer and a short explanation, helping you understand key concepts in Anatomy and Physiology more effectively.

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This post is a must-read for anyone serious about Pharmacist exam preparation. Stay tuned for the next parts of this series where we will cover more topics and MCQs from various subjects.

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Human Anatomy and Physiology MCQs Part -2

1. The incorrect statement about the heart is:

(a) Heart has three valves

(b) Heart has three layers

(c) Heart has four chambers

(d) Heart is located in the thoracic cavity
Exam: HPSSC Pharmacist (12.12.2020)
Answer: (a) Heart has three valves
Explanation: The heart has four valves (aortic, mitral, tricuspid, and pulmonary) and three layers.

2. Which vein drains the abdomen?

(a) Coronary sinus

(b) Superior vena cava

(c) Inferior vena cava

(d) None of these
Exam: HPSSC Pharmacist (12.12.2020)
Answer: (c) Inferior vena cava
Explanation: The inferior vena cava drains blood from the lower trunk, abdomen, and lower limbs to the right atrium of the heart.

3. Choose the correct statement about the bronchus:

(a) The right bronchus is wider

(b) The left bronchus is shorter

(c) The right bronchus is more vertical

(d) The left bronchus divides into two
Exam: HPSSC Pharmacist (12.12.2020)
Answer: (a) The right bronchus is wider
Explanation: The right bronchus is shorter, wider, and more vertical compared to the left.

4. How many pairs of intercostal muscles are present?

(a) 11

(b) 12

(c) 13

(d) 14
Exam: HPSSC Pharmacist (12.12.2020)
Answer: (a) 11
Explanation: There are 11 pairs of intercostal muscles, which are important for breathing movements.

5. Main muscle of the shoulder is:

(a) Trapezius

(b) Gluteus

(c) Deltoid

(d) Supraspinatus
Exam: HPSSC Pharmacist (12.12.2020)
Answer: (c) Deltoid
Explanation: The deltoid muscle is responsible for moving the arm and stabilizing the shoulder joint.

6. Incretion analogs belong to which group?

(a) Dipeptidyl peptidase 4 inhibitors

(b) Glucagon-like peptide-1

(c) Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors

(d) Amylin analogs
Exam: TNPSC Drugs Inspector (27.06.2019)
Answer: (b) Glucagon-like peptide-1
Explanation: GLP-1 receptor agonists are used to treat type 2 diabetes by enhancing insulin secretion.

7. Somatostatin is a growth hormone inhibiting hormone present in the:

(a) GI tract

(b) Heart

(c) Kidneys

(d) Muscles
Exam: TNPSC Drugs Inspector (27.06.2019)
Answer: (a) GI tract
Explanation: Somatostatin is a hormone found in the GI tract that inhibits the secretion of several other hormones.

8. Retention hyperbilirubinemia is caused due to:

(a) Choleric jaundice

(b) Non-clearance of bilirubin

(c) Reflux of bilirubin into the bloodstream

(d) Overproduction of bilirubin
Exam: GPAT (28.01.2019)
Answer: (d) Overproduction of bilirubin
Explanation: Hyperbilirubinemia occurs when bilirubin is overproduced, leading to jaundice.

9. The rheological and functional properties of synovial fluid are impaired due to:

(a) Increase in the content of mucus

(b) Decrease in the content of mucus

(c) Increase in the content of hyaluronic acid

(d) Decrease in the content of hyaluronic acid
Exam: GPAT (28.01.2019)
Answer: (d) Decrease in the content of hyaluronic acid
Explanation: Hyaluronic acid in synovial fluid helps with lubrication. A decrease impairs joint function.

10. Cardiac output is:

(a) Volume of blood ejected by the auricle per minute

(b) Volume of blood ejected by the left ventricle per beat

(c) Volume of blood ejected by the left ventricle per minute

(d) Volume of blood ejected by the auricle per beat
Exam: GPAT (28.01.2019)
Answer: (c) Volume of blood ejected by the left ventricle per minute
Explanation: Cardiac output is the amount of blood the heart pumps in one minute.

11. What are sutures?

(a) Cartilaginous joints

(b) Non-fibrous joints

(c) Synovial joints

(d) Fibrous joints of the skull
Exam: GPAT (28.01.2019)
Answer: (d) Fibrous joints of the skull
Explanation: Sutures are fibrous joints that connect the bones of the skull, providing stability and protection.

12. Which cells are called scavenger cells?

(a) Neutrophils

(b) Natural killer cells

(c) Macrophages

(d) Mast cells
Exam: GPAT (28.01.2019)
Answer: (c) Macrophages
Explanation: Macrophages are large phagocytic cells that help remove debris and pathogens from tissues.

13. Glucocorticoids have the following effects, EXCEPT:

(a) Stimulation of immune responses

(b) Resistance to stress

(c) Lipolysis

(d) Protein breakdown and glucose formation
Exam: GPAT (28.01.2019)
Answer: (a) Stimulation of immune responses
Explanation: Glucocorticoids suppress immune responses and have anti-inflammatory effects.

14. The capacity of a drug to cause fetal abnormality is known as:

(a) Carcinogenicity

(b) Teratogenicity

(c) Mutagenicity

(d) Photosensitivity
Exam: TNPSC Pharmacist-Degree (27.06.2019)
Answer: (b) Teratogenicity
Explanation: Teratogenicity refers to a drug’s ability to cause developmental defects in a fetus.

15. Estradiol is a:

(a) Male sex hormone

(b) Female sex hormone

(c) Pituitary hormone

(d) Parathyroid hormone
Exam: TNPSC Pharmacist-Degree (27.06.2019)
Answer: (b) Female sex hormone
Explanation: Estradiol is a primary estrogen hormone that regulates the female reproductive cycle.

16. Human Immunoglobulin is also known as:

(a) Beta-globulin

(b) Gamma-globulin

(c) Prothrombin

(d) Fibrinogen
Exam: TNPSC Pharmacist-Degree (27.06.2019)
Answer: (b) Gamma-globulin
Explanation: Gamma-globulins are antibodies, key proteins in the immune response.

17. The drug which increases uterine motility is:

(a) Oxytocin

(b) Ritodrine

(c) Atosiban

(d) Nifedipine
Exam: TNPSC Pharmacist-Degree (27.06.2019)
Answer: (a) Oxytocin
Explanation: Oxytocin is a hormone that stimulates uterine contractions, commonly used to induce labor.

18. Sumatriptan is a selective:

(a) 5-HT1D/1B receptor agonist

(b) 5-HT2A/2B receptor agonist

(c) 5-HT3B/3D receptor agonist

(d) 5-HT4-7 receptor agonist
Exam: TNPSC Pharmacist-Degree (27.06.2019)
Answer: (a) 5-HT1D/1B receptor agonist
Explanation: Sumatriptan is used to treat migraines by selectively targeting 5-HT1 receptors.

19. Angiotensin-II is a:

(a) Carbohydrate

(b) Eicosanoid

(c) Peptide

(d) Cardenolide
Exam: TNPSC Pharmacist-Degree (27.06.2019)
Answer: (c) Peptide
Explanation: Angiotensin-II is a peptide hormone involved in vasoconstriction and blood pressure regulation.

20. An example of a tyrosine kinase receptor is:

(a) Insulin receptor

(b) GABAA receptor

(c) Acetylcholine receptor

(d) Steroid receptor
Exam: TNPSC Pharmacist-Degree (27.06.2019)
Answer: (a) Insulin receptor
Explanation: The insulin receptor is a type of tyrosine kinase receptor, crucial for glucose metabolism.

21. The predominant muscarinic receptor which mediates vagal bradycardia is:

(a) M1

(b) M2

(c) M3

(d) M5
Exam: TNPSC Pharmacist-Degree (27.06.2019)
Answer: (b) M2
Explanation: M2 receptors are primarily found in the heart, where they mediate vagal-induced bradycardia by reducing heart rate.

22. Which hormone inhibits the secretion of insulin, glucagon, and growth hormone?

(a) Somatostatin

(b) Thyroxin

(c) Melatonin

(d) Serotonin
Exam: ESIC Pharmacist (26.02.2019)
Answer: (a) Somatostatin
Explanation: Somatostatin inhibits the release of various hormones including insulin, glucagon, and growth hormone.

23. The adipose tissue in newborns is called:

(a) Brown fat

(b) Yellow fat

(c) White fat

(d) Black fat
Exam: ESIC Pharmacist (26.02.2019)
Answer: (a) Brown fat
Explanation: Brown fat helps generate heat in newborns and hibernating mammals by burning energy.

24. Synovial cells in joints are an example of:

(a) Neutrophils

(b) Macrophages

(c) Basophils

(d) Lymphocytes
Exam: ESIC Pharmacist (26.02.2019)
Answer: (b) Macrophages
Explanation: Macrophages are found in synovial fluid where they help maintain joint health by engulfing pathogens and debris.

25. An important site of fetal blood cell production is:

(a) Pons

(b) Spleen

(c) Lymph

(d) Thymus
Exam: ESIC Pharmacist (26.02.2019)
Answer: (b) Spleen
Explanation: During fetal development, the spleen plays a significant role in producing blood cells before the bone marrow takes over.

26. An integral membrane glycoprotein of the human erythrocyte is:

(a) Chitin

(b) Amylopectin

(c) Glycophorin

(d) Glycogen
Exam: ESIC Pharmacist (26.02.2019)
Answer: (c) Glycophorin
Explanation: Glycophorin is a glycoprotein found in red blood cell membranes and plays a role in maintaining the cell’s shape and flexibility.

27. Which of the following is a superficial vein of the cardiovascular system?

(a) Basilica vein

(b) Axillary vein

(c) Subclavian vein

(d) Palmar vein
Exam: ESIC Pharmacist (26.02.2019)
Answer: (a) Basilica vein
Explanation: The basilic vein is a superficial vein in the upper limb, commonly used for intravenous access.

28. The procedure of removing ovaries is called:

(a) Colostomy

(b) Salpingectomy

(c) Oophorectomy

(d) Vasectomy
Exam: ESIC Pharmacist (26.02.2019)
Answer: (c) Oophorectomy
Explanation: Oophorectomy refers to the surgical removal of one or both ovaries, often performed to reduce the risk of ovarian cancer or other conditions.

29. Which hormone increases uterine motility?

(a) Oxytocin

(b) Ritodrine

(c) Atosiban

(d) Nifedipine
Exam: TNPSC Pharmacist-Degree (27.06.2019)
Answer: (a) Oxytocin
Explanation: Oxytocin increases uterine contractions, particularly during childbirth, and is used medically to induce labor.

30. Which of the following hormones is a nonapeptide produced by the posterior pituitary gland?

(a) Prolactin

(b) Vasopressin

(c) Aldosterone

(d) Thyroxine
Exam: ESIC Pharmacist (26.02.2019)
Answer: (b) Vasopressin
Explanation: Vasopressin, also called antidiuretic hormone (ADH), is involved in regulating water balance and blood pressure.

31. Glucocorticoids are involved in:

(a) Potassium metabolism

(b) Fluid balance

(c) Sodium metabolism

(d) Fat metabolism
Exam: ESIC Pharmacist (26.02.2019)
Answer: (d) Fat metabolism
Explanation: Glucocorticoids regulate fat metabolism, influencing how the body stores and uses fats.

32. Which of the following is a plasma kinin?

(a) Renin

(b) Kallidin

(c) Serotonin

(d) Histamine
Exam: ESIC Pharmacist (26.02.2019)
Answer: (b) Kallidin
Explanation: Kallidin is a type of kinin, which are peptides that play a role in inflammation and vascular permeability.

33. A clinical condition of obesity is defined as a BMI range of:

(a) 30-40 kg/m²

(b) 25-30 kg/m²

(c) 45-50 kg/m²

(d) 40-45 kg/m²
Exam: ESIC Pharmacist (26.02.2019)
Answer: (a) 30-40 kg/m²
Explanation: A body mass index (BMI) between 30-40 kg/m² is classified as obesity, increasing the risk of various health issues.

34. Penalty for non-disclosure of the name of the manufacturer under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 is:

(a) ₹ 10,000

(b) ₹ 2,000

(c) ₹ 1,000

(d) ₹ 500
Exam: ESIC Pharmacist (26.02.2019)
Answer: (c) ₹ 1,000
Explanation: As per the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940, a penalty of ₹ 1,000 is imposed for non-disclosure of the manufacturer’s name.

35. Haemostatic forceps are also known as:

(a) Moynihan’s forceps

(b) Swab-holding forceps

(c) Artery forceps

(d) Ordinary forceps
Exam: ESIC Pharmacist (26.02.2019)
Answer: (c) Artery forceps
Explanation: Artery forceps, also known as hemostatic forceps, are used in surgeries to control bleeding by clamping blood vessels.

36. Which hormone promotes gluconeogenesis?

(a) Glucocorticoids

(b) Insulin

(c) Oral hypoglycemic agents

(d) Food intake
Exam: TNPSC Drugs Inspector (27.06.2019)
Answer: (a) Glucocorticoids
Explanation: Glucocorticoids stimulate gluconeogenesis, the process of producing glucose from non-carbohydrate sources, helping to increase blood sugar levels.

37. An ischemic necrosis of a portion of the myocardium due to sudden occlusion of a coronary artery is called:

(a) Angina Pectoris

(b) Cardiac Arrhythmia

(c) Congestive Cardiac Failure

(d) Myocardial Infarction
Exam: TNPSC Drugs Inspector (27.06.2019)
Answer: (d) Myocardial Infarction
Explanation: Myocardial infarction, also known as a heart attack, occurs when blood flow to a part of the heart is blocked, causing tissue death.

38. The drug which is not used commercially due to its rapid destruction in the body is:

(a) Long duration of action

(b) Costly

(c) Rapidly destroyed in the body

(d) Crosses the blood-brain barrier
Exam: TNPSC Drugs Inspector (27.06.2019)
Answer: (c) Rapidly destroyed in the body
Explanation: Acetylcholine is not used commercially because it is rapidly broken down in the body, making it unsuitable for therapeutic use.

39. The drug used to increase uterine contractions is:

(a) Oxytocin

(b) Ritodrine

(c) Atosiban

(d) Nifedipine
Exam: TNPSC Pharmacist-Degree (27.06.2019)
Answer: (a) Oxytocin
Explanation: Oxytocin increases uterine contractions, helping induce labor and reduce postpartum hemorrhage.

40. The volume of blood that flows per unit time per unit volume of the tissue is called:

(a) Residence time

(b) Elimination rate

(c) Gastric emptying rate

(d) Perfusion rate
Exam: GPAT (28.01.2019)
Answer: (d) Perfusion rate
Explanation: Perfusion rate refers to the volume of blood that flows to a tissue per unit time, essential for delivering oxygen and nutrients.

41. Which of the following drugs are known as nerve gases?

(a) Taliun

(b) Dyflos

(c) Soman

(d) Sarin
Exam: TNPSC Drugs Inspector (27.06.2019)
Answer: (c) Soman
Explanation: Soman and sarin are nerve agents used in chemical warfare, causing severe symptoms like convulsions and death. Dyflos is used as an irreversible anticholinesterase but not as a nerve gas.

42. The human insulin analogues include all EXCEPT:

(a) Lispro insulin

(b) Aspart insulin

(c) Glargine insulin

(d) Isophane insulin
Exam: TNPSC Pharmacist-Degree (27.06.2019)
Answer: (d) Isophane insulin
Explanation: Lispro, Aspart, and Glargine are insulin analogues designed to alter the absorption rate. Isophane insulin (NPH) is an intermediate-acting insulin but not an analogue.

43. Estradiol is classified as a:

(a) Male sex hormone

(b) Female sex hormone

(c) Pituitary hormone

(d) Parathyroid hormone
Exam: TNPSC Pharmacist-Degree (27.06.2019)
Answer: (b) Female sex hormone
Explanation: Estradiol is a primary female sex hormone, crucial in regulating the estrous and menstrual cycles.

44. Which of the following hormones inhibits insulin, glucagon, and growth hormone secretion?

(a) Somatostatin

(b) Thyroxin

(c) Melatonin

(d) Serotonin
Exam: ESIC Pharmacist (26.02.2019)
Answer: (a) Somatostatin
Explanation: Somatostatin inhibits the secretion of various hormones including insulin, glucagon, and growth hormone.

45. The hormone that promotes uterine contractions during labor is:

(a) Oxytocin

(b) Estrogen

(c) Progesterone

(d) Cortisol
Exam: TNPSC Pharmacist-Degree (27.06.2019)
Answer: (a) Oxytocin
Explanation: Oxytocin increases the strength and frequency of uterine contractions during labor and is commonly used to induce labor.

46. Angiotensin II is a:

(a) Carbohydrate

(b) Eicosanoid

(c) Peptide

(d) Cardenolide
Exam: TNPSC Pharmacist-Degree (27.06.2019)
Answer: (c) Peptide
Explanation: Angiotensin II is a peptide hormone that plays a crucial role in regulating blood pressure by causing vasoconstriction.

47. Increased levels of bilirubin due to overproduction is called:

(a) Choleric jaundice

(b) Retention hyperbilirubinemia

(c) Obstructive jaundice

(d) Neonatal jaundice
Exam: GPAT (28.01.2019)
Answer: (b) Retention hyperbilirubinemia
Explanation: Retention hyperbilirubinemia occurs when bilirubin is overproduced or not effectively cleared, leading to jaundice.

48. An important microscopic feature of Alzheimer’s disease is:

(a) Epidural hemorrhagic patches

(b) Demyelination of spinal cord neurons

(c) Presence of neuritic plaques containing beta-amyloid

(d) Depigmentation of substantia nigra
Exam: GPAT (28.01.2019)
Answer: (c) Presence of neuritic plaques containing beta-amyloid
Explanation: Neuritic plaques containing beta-amyloid are hallmark pathological features of Alzheimer’s disease, contributing to the degeneration of neurons.

49. Which of the following cells are considered scavenger cells?

(a) Neutrophils

(b) Natural killer cells

(c) Macrophages

(d) Mast cells
Exam: GPAT (28.01.2019)
Answer: (c) Macrophages
Explanation: Macrophages are known as scavenger cells because they engulf and digest cellular debris, pathogens, and dead cells.

50. G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) consist of:

(a) A bundle of seven alpha helices

(b) A bundle of four alpha helices

(c) A bundle of six alpha helices

(d) A bundle of five alpha helices
Exam: RRB Pharmacist Gr. III (21.07.2019)
Answer: (a) A bundle of seven alpha helices
Explanation: GPCRs have a characteristic structure of seven transmembrane alpha helices and are involved in signal transduction across cell membranes.

51. The half-life of heparin is reduced in patients with:

(a) Cirrhosis of the liver

(b) Kidney malfunction

(c) Pulmonary embolism

(d) Gall bladder dysfunction
Exam: TNPSC Drugs Inspector (27.06.2019)
Answer: (c) Pulmonary embolism
Explanation: The half-life of heparin is reduced in patients with pulmonary embolism as anticoagulation therapy is often initiated to prevent further clot formation.

52. Which of the following muscles is responsible for shoulder movement?

(a) Trapezius

(b) Deltoid

(c) Gluteus

(d) Supraspinatus
Exam: HPSSC Pharmacist (12.12.2020)
Answer: (b) Deltoid
Explanation: The deltoid muscle is the primary muscle responsible for moving the shoulder in different directions.

53. Which vein drains the abdomen?

(a) Coronary sinus

(b) Superior vena cava

(c) Inferior vena cava

(d) None of these
Exam: HPSSC Pharmacist (12.12.2020)
Answer: (c) Inferior vena cava
Explanation: The inferior vena cava drains blood from the lower body, including the abdomen, back to the heart.

54. Choose the correct statement about the bronchus:

(a) The right bronchus is wider

(b) The left bronchus is shorter

(c) The right bronchus is more vertical

(d) The left bronchus divides into two
Exam: HPSSC Pharmacist (12.12.2020)
Answer: (a) The right bronchus is wider
Explanation: The right bronchus is shorter, wider, and more vertical than the left, which makes foreign objects more likely to enter the right bronchus.

55. The incorrect statement about the heart is:

(a) The heart has three valves

(b) The heart has three layers

(c) The heart has four chambers

(d) The heart is located in the thoracic cavity
Exam: HPSSC Pharmacist (12.12.2020)
Answer: (a) The heart has three valves
Explanation: The heart has four valves (aortic, mitral, pulmonary, and tricuspid) that control blood flow within the heart.

56. Incretion analogs belong to which group?

(a) Dipeptidyl peptidase 4 inhibitors

(b) Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1)

(c) Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors

(d) Amylin analogs
Exam: TNPSC Drugs Inspector (27.06.2019)
Answer: (b) Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1)
Explanation: GLP-1 receptor agonists are used to treat type 2 diabetes by stimulating insulin release and inhibiting glucagon secretion.

57. Which enzyme is released by heparin to clear turbid plasma?

(a) Bradikinin

(b) Lipoprotein lipase

(c) Histamine

(d) Hexokinase
Exam: TNPSC Drugs Inspector (27.06.2019)
Answer: (b) Lipoprotein lipase
Explanation: Heparin releases lipoprotein lipase, which helps to break down fats in the blood, thus clearing plasma.

58. What causes retention hyperbilirubinemia?

(a) Choleric jaundice

(b) Non-clearance of bilirubin

(c) Reflux of bilirubin into the bloodstream

(d) Overproduction of bilirubin
Exam: GPAT (28.01.2019)
Answer: (d) Overproduction of bilirubin
Explanation: Retention hyperbilirubinemia occurs when there is excessive production of bilirubin, often leading to jaundice.

59. Which hormone is classified as a nonapeptide and is produced by the posterior pituitary gland?

(a) Prolactin

(b) Vasopressin

(c) Aldosterone

(d) Thyroxine
Exam: ESIC Pharmacist (26.02.2019)
Answer: (b) Vasopressin
Explanation: Vasopressin, also called antidiuretic hormone (ADH), is a nonapeptide that helps regulate water balance and blood pressure.

60. The volume of blood that flows per unit time per unit volume of tissue is called:

(a) Residence time

(b) Elimination rate

(c) Gastric emptying rate

(d) Perfusion rate
Exam: GPAT (28.01.2019)
Answer: (d) Perfusion rate
Explanation: Perfusion rate refers to the amount of blood that flows through a tissue per unit of time, which is crucial for delivering oxygen and nutrients.

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