SOP on Operation of Rapid Mixer Granulator
1.0 Purpose: This document describes the procedure for operation of Rapid Mixer Granulator.
2.0 Scope: This SOP applies to operating staff.
3.0 Responsibility: Production chemist to ensure that procedure is followed.
4.0 Materials and Equipment:
As required.
5.0 Procedure:
5.01 To start the process, close the discharge valve.
5.02 Charge the powder (product) into the mixer for dry mixing.
5.03 Set the time & speed of beater and chopper blade.
5.04 Start beater blade for dry mixing.
5.05 After dry mixing is over, add binder into the mixer.
5.06 For wet mixing start beater & chopper blades.
5.07 When wet mixing is over, discharge the material by running beater in slow speed.
5.08 Before taking the discharge keep the FBD bowl below the cone mill to collect the discharged milled material.
5.09 For taking the discharge, first start the cone mill then start RMG at slow discharge speed.
5.10 Then open discharge gate of the RMG.
5.11 After the discharge is over stop both parts of the machine.