SOP on Fumigation of Manufacturing Areas

SOP on Fumigation of Manufacturing Areas 
1.0 Purpose: This SOP describes a procedure for the fumigation in working areas.
2.0 Scope: A routine disinfection of the manufacturing areas keep the microbial load to an acceptance level.
3.0 Responsibility: Quality Control Microbiologist to ensure that the procedure is followed.
4.0 Materials and Equipment: 
 Potassium permanganate
 Formalin solution
5.0 Procedure:
5.1 All materials, products and equipment that might be damaged or contaminated by formaldehyde should be removed from the room. 
5.2 All the UV-lights should be switched off..
5.3 Taking precautions, the operator should pour sufficient formaldehyde solution into the basin containing required quantity of potassium permanganate (i.e. 1 part formaldehyde solution and 3 parts potassium permanganate).
5.4 The area to be fumigated should be evacuated and the exit door sealed.
5.5 Fumigation is best carried out immediately prior to the weekend.