Reference Standard, Reference Impurity Standard & Working standard

Reference Standard, Reference Impurity Standard & Working Standard

Reference Standard, Reference Impurity Standard & Working Standard

Reference Standard, Reference Impurity Standard & Working Standard

In this PPT we cover fallowing topic….

  • Definition
  • Types & Source of Ref Std
  • Why RS/RIS is required
  • Reference standard development process (USP)
  • Highlights of USP/EP/BP catalogs
  • Activities Pertaining to RS/WS/RI etc. (In Q.C Lab)
  • Procurement and Handling of Reference Standards & Impurity (BQG-024)(QC-Procedure)
  • Preparation & Handling Of Working Standards (BQG-025)(QC-Procedure)

Reference Standard, Reference Impurity Standard & Working standard PPT

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