- When two or more ingredients of a prescription are mixed together, the undesired change that may take place in the physical, chemical or therapeutic properties of the medicament is termed as incompatibility.
- This is because of mixing 2 or more antagonistic substances or formation of an undesirable product.
- It may affect the safety, efficacy and appearance of the preparation.
- There are 3 types of incompatibilities:
– Physical incompatibilities
– Chemical incompatibilities
– Therapeutic incompatibilities
Physical incompatibilities
- When 2 or more antagonistic substances are combined together, a physical change takes place and an unacceptable product is formed due to immiscibility, insolubility or liquefaction
- The changes are visible and can be corrected by the application of pharmaceutical skill to obtain a product of uniform dosage, and attractive appearance
for detailed notes on Physical Incompatibilities click here
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