Multidisciplinary Nature of Environmental Studies

Multidisciplinary Nature of Environmental Studies

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this session, students will be able to

• Acquire knowledge about Environment, Environmental Science
and related terms

• Discuss scope and importance

• Explain the need for public awareness

• Cite the different types of resources

• Discuss Environmental problems


• Multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies

• Scope and importance

• Need for public awareness


Environmental science
(or studies)

Interdisciplinary studies in natural sciences, including
geology, climatology, hydrology, ecology and their interaction with social
sciences such as economics, political science, sociology, anthropology and

• Ecology

Study of the interactions between organisms and between
organisms and their environment

• Ecosystem

Includes all organisms living in an area and the physical
environment with which these organisms interact


Environment is French word “Environner”, which mean to encircle
or surround

Abiotic Environment





Biotic Environment




The multidisciplinary
nature of environmental science is illustrated in following

Basic and Applied Studies

Physical Science, (Physics, chemistry, Earth
science, Atmospheric Science)

Life Science (Biology, biochemistry,
Microbiology etc)


Civil, Chemical, Hydraulics, Nano

Management and Awareness

Economics, Sociology, Law, Education,
Management, Mass-communication


Mathematics, Statistics, Computer science

of Environment Studies

• Environment is not a single subject. It is an integration
of several subjects that include both Science and Social Studies

• Thus the scope of environmental studies is extremely wide
and covers some aspects of nearly every major discipline

• Daily lives of humans are linked with their surroundings
and inevitably affects them

• Environment issues being by explosive increase in
pollution, hence

• Need for an alternative solution

• Need to save humanity from extinction

• Need for wise planning of development

Environment studies have become significant for the
following reasons:

• Preservation: Every natural resource/ ecosystem must be
preserved and protected to maintain a balance in the environment

• Global phenomena: Issues pertaining to the environment are
faced by every country in the event of any major development. a new set of
problems crop up in the wake of development

• Uncontrolled Increase in pollution: Rapid
industrialization and urbanization has led to pollution of various components
of the environment

• Sustainable development: There is a need to search for
solutions to development with minimal harm to the environment

environmental concerns


• Over exploitation of natural resources

– Forest

– Water

– Food

– Energy

– Land

• Environmental Pollution

– Air

– Water

– Land

• Population


• Disease

• Water Shortages

• Water Contamination

• Climate Change

• Biodiversity Loss

• Poverty

• Malnutrition




Soil erosion

Greatest Environmental Problem?????

• Diseases

• Overpopulation

• Water Shortages

• Climate Changes

• Poverty

• Malnutrition

Scope of
Environmental Studies:

Environmental Studies encompasses large number of areas
which mainly include:

    Natural Resource-
Conservation and Management

    Ecology and

Pollution and Control

development and associate socio-cultural issues

    Human population
and environment

    It can also
include highly specialized issues like Environmental Science, Environmental
Engineering and Environmental Management

of Environment studies:

Environmental studies
have become significant for the following reason:

Environment Issues
being of International Importance:
environmental issues such as global
warming, ozone depletion, biodiversity loss, marine pollution etc have a global

Problems Cropped in
The Wake of Development:
rapid development in the selected area leads to
Urbanization, Industrial Growth, Transportation Systems, Agriculture and
Housing etc which in turn leads to environmental pollution

Rapid increase in
rapid growth of human population resulted into   tremendous increase in the demand of
resources such as food resources, energy resources ultimately leading to the
environmental degradation

Need for An
Alternative Solution:
recently there is a sense of feeling that current way
of economic development is not feasible for long term as resources base is not
unlimited giving rise to the concept of sustainable development

Need to Save Humanity
from Extinction:
There is a grave threat on humanity due to continuous
degradation of its resource base which has implication on survival and well-being
of human society

Need for
Public Awareness

• As the earth’s natural resources are dwindling and our
environment is being increasingly degraded by human activities, there is a need
for action

• Prevention of environment degradation must become a major
goal for all

• Decrease of harm on our environment. It is economically
more viable than cleaning up the environment once it is damaged

• Reduction of natural resources wastage.  Government should be informed of sources that
lead to pollution and degradation of our environment

• This can only be made possible through mass public

• Growing Population

• Poverty

• Agricultural Growth

• Need to improve Ground water

• Development and Forests


• Current Emphasis (Reactive)

• Sustainability Emphasis (Proactive)

International efforts
for environment:
The subject of environment come into international focus
first with the Stockholm Conference held on 5th 1972, since then we celebrate
World Environment Day on 5th June.

Public Awareness for Environment:

Without active people participation government cant force
any policy so to make public aware regarding environmental pollution and its conservation.
This awareness can be achieved by various mean:

Formal Environmental education: At School level, University
and post- graduation level, Higher research

Non-formal education
and awareness Program:

National Environment Awareness Campaign (NEAC)- Started in
1986 is a multimedia campaign which uses activities such as seminar, workshops,
camps, exhibitions, debate, street theatre, tree plantation to promote
awareness about environment

Mass Awareness:

Through media including both print and electronic media.
Campaign for banning plastic Product, clean Yamuna campaign. Awareness
activities by NGO’s and other institutions on the occasion of Environment days
like Earth day

Eco Mark:
Eco-labelling of consumer products as Ecomark in 1991. It is an earthen pitcher
and awarded to product that is made, used or disposed off in eco-friendly


• Environment is French word “Environner”, which mean to
encircle or surround

• Study of environmental science is important


Global phenomena

Uncontrolled Increase in pollution

Sustainable development

• Environmental Studies encompasses large number of areas

• As the earth’s natural resources are dwindling and our
environment is being increasingly degraded by human activities there is need
for awareness and protection of environment

• Stockholm Conference held on 5th 1972, since then we
celebrate World Environment Day on 5th June