Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of this session, students will be able to

• Discuss the role of an individual in conservation of natural resources

Understanding Natural Resources

Natural resources encompass everything the earth provides us with, including air, water, land, minerals, and biodiversity. These resources are essential for our survival and the well-being of the planet. However, overexploitation and environmental degradation pose a severe threat to their sustainability.

The Significance of Conservation

Conservation is the careful management and protection of these resources to ensure they are available for future generations. It also helps maintain the balance of ecosystems and prevents further damage to our environment.

Role of an individual in conservation of natural resources

• Until fairly recently mankind acted as if he could go on forever exploiting the ecosystems and natural resources such as soil, water, forests and grasslands on the Earth’s surface and extracting minerals and fossil fuels from underground

• But, in the last few decades, it has become increasingly evident that the global ecosystem has the capacity to sustain only a limited level of utilization

• Biological systems cannot go on replenishing resources if they are overused or misused

• At a critical point, increasing pressure destabilizes their natural balance

• Even biological resources traditionally classified as ‘renewable’ – such as those from our oceans, forests, grasslands and wetlands, are being degraded by overuse and may be permanently destroyed and no natural resource is limitless

• ‘Non-renewable’ resources will be rapidly exhausted if we continue to use them as intensively as at present

• The two most damaging factors leading to the current rapid depletion of all forms of natural resources are increasing ‘consumerism’ on the part of the affluent sections of society and rapid population growth

• Both factors are the results of choices we individuals we need to decide; make as individuals, as

• What will we leave to our children? (Are we long-term gain?) Thinking of short-term or

• Is my material gain someone else’s loss?                          

• Greed for material goods has become a way of life for a majority of people in the developed world

• Population growth and the resulting shortage of resources most severely affects people in the developing countries

• In nations such as ours, which are both developing rapidly, and suffering from a population explosion, both factors are responsible for environmental degradation

• We must ask ourselves if we have perhaps reached a critical flash point, at which economic ‘development’ affects the lives of people more adversely than the benefits it provides

What can you do to save electricity?

• Turn off lights and fans as soon as you leave the room

• Use tube lights and energy efficient bulbs that save energy rather than bulbs. A 40- watt tube light gives as much light as a 100 watt bulb

• Keep the bulbs and tubes clean. Dust on tubes and bulbs decreases lighting levels by 20 to 30 percent

• Switch off the television or radio as soon as the program of interest is over

• A pressure cooker can save up to 75 percent of energy required for cooking. It is also faster

• Keeping the vessel covered with a lid during cooking, helps to cook faster, thus

Conservation of energy

1. Switch off light, fan and other appliances when not in use

2. Use solar heater for cooking

3. Dry the cloth in the sun light instead of driers

4. Use always pressure cookers

5. Grow trees near the house to get cool breeze instead of using AC and ai cooler

6. Ride bicycle or just walk instead of using scooter for ashort distance.

Conservation of water

1. Use minimum water for all domestic purposes

2. Check the water leaks in pipes and repair them properly

3. Reuse the soapy water, after washing clothes for washing courtyard, carpets etc

4. Use drip irrigation

5. Rain water harvesting system should be installed in all the houses

6. Sewage treatment plant may be installed in all industries and institution

7. Continuous running of water taps should be avoided

8. Watering of plants should be done in the evening

Conservation of soil

1. Grow different type plants i.e trees, herbs and shrubs

2. In the irrigation process, using strong flow of water should be avoided

3. Soil erosion can be prevented by sprinkling irrigation

4. Use green manures in the garden

5. Use mixed cropping.

Conservation of food resources

1. Cook required amount of food            

2. Don’t waste the food, give it to someone before spoiling        

3. Don’t store large amount of food grains and protect them from damaging insects.      

Conservation of forest

1. Use non timber product

2. Plant more trees

3. Grassing must be controlled

4. Minimise the use of paper and fuel

5. Avoid the construction of dam, road in the forest areas


• Non-renewable’ resources will be rapidly exhausted if we continue to use them as intensively as at present

• Population growth and the resulting shortage of resources most severely affects people in the developing countries

• Turn off lights and fans as soon as you leave the room

• A pressure cooker can save up to 75 percent of energy required for cooking. It is also faster


  1. Why is the conservation of natural resources essential?
    • Natural resources are vital for our survival and the well-being of the planet. Conservation ensures their availability for future generations.
  2. How can I reduce my carbon footprint through sustainable living?
    • You can reduce your carbon footprint by using public transport, conserving energy and water, and adopting eco-friendly practices.
  3. What is the significance of biodiversity protection in conservation?
    • Biodiversity protection is crucial because it helps preserve ecosystems and supports the survival of various species, including those essential to human life.
  4. How can I get involved in conservation efforts in my community?
    • You can participate in local conservation initiatives, volunteer for clean-up activities, and join organizations dedicated to environmental preservation.
  5. What is the long-term impact of reforestation and afforestation?
    • Reforestation and afforestation efforts help combat deforestation, improve air quality, and contribute to the sequestration of carbon dioxide, mitigating climate change effects.

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