Common disorders of digestive system
• Craterlike lesion in a membrane
• Ulcers that develop in areas of the GI tract exposed to
acidic gastric juice are called peptic ulcers
• The most common complication – bleeding
• In acute cases, peptic ulcers can lead to shock and death
• Three distinct causes of PUD are recognized:
(1) The bacterium helicobacter pylori
(2) Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (nsaids) such as
(3) Hypersecretion of HCl, as occurs in zollinger–ellison
syndrome, a gastrin-producing tumor, usually of the pancreas
• The deadliest of malignancies
• Intake of alcohol, diets high in animal fat and protein
are associated with increased risk of colorectal cancer
• Dietary fiber, retinoids, calcium, and selenium may be
• Signs and symptoms: Diarrhea, constipation, cramping,
abdominal pain, and rectal bleeding, either visible or occult (hidden in feces)
• Characterized by self-induced weight loss, negative
perception of body image, and physiological changes that result from
nutritional depletion
• Patients abuse laxatives – Worsens the fluid and
electrolyte imbalances and nutrient deficiencies
• Predominantly in young, single females
• May be inherited
• Abnormal patterns of menstruation, amenorrhea & lower
• Inflammation of the liver – clinically, several types of
viral hepatitis
• Caused by viruses, drugs, and chemicals, including alcohol
Hepatitis A
(infectious hepatitis)
• Caused by the hepatitis A virus
• Spread via fecal contamination of objects such as food,
clothing, toys, and eating utensils
• Mild disease of children and young adults
• Characterized by loss of appetite, malaise, nausea,
diarrhea, fever, and chills
• Eventually, jaundice appears
Hepatitis B
• Caused by the hepatitis B virus
• Spread primarily by sexual contact and contaminated
syringes and transfusion equipment
• Spread via saliva and tears
• produce cirrhosis and possibly cancer of the liver
• Vaccines produced through recombinant DNA technology (for example,
Recombivax HB) are available
Hepatitis C
• Caused by the hepatitis C virus (clinically similar to
hepatitis B)
Hepatitis D
• Caused by the hepatitis D virus.
• Transmitted like hepatitis B
• Hepatitis D results in severe liver damage and has a
higher fatality rate than infection with hepatitis B virus alone
Hepatitis E
• Caused by the hepatitis E virus and is spread like
hepatitis A
• Very high mortality rate among pregnant women
• Infectious disease of the GIT results in loose, urgent
bowel movements, cramping, abdominal pain, malaise, nausea, and occasionally
fever and dehydration
• Acquired through ingestion of food or water contaminated
with fecal material typically containing bacteria (E. coli)
• Viruses or protozoan parasites are less common causes
• Distorted or scarred liver as a result of chronic inflammation
due to:
– Hepatitis
– Chemicals that destroy hepatocytes
– Parasites that infect the liver
– Alcoholism
• Hepatocytes are replaced by fibrous or adipose connective
• Symptoms include jaundice, edema in the legs, uncontrolled
bleeding and increased sensitivity to drugs
• A burning sensation in a region near the heart due to
irritation of the mucosa of the esophagus from hydrochloric acid in stomach
• Caused by failure of the LES to close properly, so that
the stomach contents enter the inferior esophagus
• It is not related to any cardiac problem
(Bad breath)
• A foul odor from the mouth
Bowel Disease
• Inflammation of GIT that exists in two forms
(1) Crohn’s disease
– Inflammation of any part of GIT in which the inflammation
extends from the mucosa through the submucosa, muscularis, and serosa
– Cigarette smoking increases the risk of Crohn’s disease
• (2) Ulcerative
– Inflammation of the mucosa of the colon and rectum,
usually accompanied by rectal bleeding
• A sudden illness caused by ingesting food or drink
contaminated by an infectious microbe (bacterium, virus, or protozoan) or a
toxin (poison)
• Common cause of food poisoning is the toxin produced by
the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus
• Most types of food poisoning cause diarrhea and/or
vomiting, often associated with abdominal pain
• A disorder that typically affects young, single,
middle-class, white females
• Characterized by overeating at least twice a week followed
by purging by self-induced vomiting, strict dieting or fasting, vigorous exercise,
or use of laxatives or diuretics
• Occurs in response to fears of being overweight or to
stress, depression, and physiological disorders such as hypothalamic tumors