Plant Tissue Culture

Plant Tissue Culture


• General Introduction

• Types of Tissue Culture

• Plant Tissue Culture


At the end of the lecture
the student will able to:

• Explain the historical development of tissue culture

• Explain the role of nutrients of tissue culture media

• Describe the various nutrients required for tissue culture

Tissue Culture

• Technique by which single plant cells or organised cell masses
(tissues) or unorganised group
of cells (callus) can be induced to multiply or regenerate in to a whole plant
– manipulating – chemical and physical environment of the culture medium

• In vitro cultivation of plant cell – under aseptic
condition in a liquid or solid media – for the production of secondary metabolites
or to regenerate plant

• Medium – Semisolid or liquid

• Initiated using plant or animal tissues and the tissue
used is called as an explant

• Tissue culture relies on three fundamental abilities of plant
– Totipotency, dedifferentiation and competency

• Totipotency – capacity/ability of any cell to regenerate –
differentiate into whole plant

• For successful plant tissue culture, explant rich in undermined
cells should be used

Eg: Cortex or meristem – Rapid proliferation

Development of Tissue Culture

• Research in botany – discovery of cell – cell theory

• 1839 – Schleiden and Schwann – cell basic unit of
organisms – cell capable autonomy – artificial environment regenerate in to
whole plant

• 1902 – German physiologist – Gottlieb Haberlandt –
developed concept of in vitro culture

• He isolated single fully differentiated individual plant
cell – plant species – palisade cells – leaves of Laminium purpureum – pith
cells from petioles of Eicchornia crassiples

• In the culture cells – increased in size, accumulated
starch – but failed to divide

• Totipotency

• Despite –  failure –  several predictions –  requirements in media – induce cell division,
proliferation and embryo induction – G. Haberlandt – father of tissue culture

• From Haberlandt failure – Hanning – 1904 –embryogenesis –
excised mature embryos – seeds of several spp cruciferae – matured plant – mineral
salts and sugar solution

• 1908 – Simon – regenerated callus, buds, and roots –
popular stem segments – established the basis of callus culture

• Kolte &Robbins – 1922 – tissue culture –Meristamatic

• Next 30 years – little progress – cell culture research

• 1926 – Fritz Went – discovered first plant growth hormone
–PGR – indole acetic acid

• White – introduced vitamin B as growth supplement –  tissue culture media – tomato root tip

• Gautheret (1934) – culture of cambium cells – several tree
species – to produce callus

• Johannes Van Overbeek – 1941 – reported – growth of
seedlings – embryo – enriched culture media – coconut milk besides usual salts,
vitamins and other nutrients

• Ernest Ball   – 1946
– method – which part of shoot meristem – raised whole plant – shoot tip

• Muir – 1953 –callus tissue – liquid medium – shaking –
broke into single cell

• Skoog and Miller – 1955 – isolated – Kinetin – cell
division hormone

• Cocking – 1960 – first to isolate – protoplast by
enzymatic degradation of cell wall

• Bergmann – 1960 – plating technique – cloning – isolated
single protoplasts

• Murashige and Skoog – 1962 – developed – MS medium with
high salt concentration – 25 times than Knops salt solution – tobacco tissue
growth was enhanced 5 times

• Kanta and Maheswari – 1962 – role in plant genetic engineering
– first – test tube fertilization technique

• Steward – 1966 – demonstrated totipotency – regenerating

• Guha and Maheswari – 1966 – produced first haploid plant –
pollen grains of Datura

• Smith and Nathans – 1970 – discovered – first restriction
enzyme – Haemophilus influenza

• Baltimore – 1970 – isolated Reverse transcriptase from RNA
tumor virus– useful enzyme – genetic engineering – converts RNA to DNA hence
useful in constriction of Complementary DNA from RNA – Nobel Prize winner

• Carlson – 1972 –isolated protoplast from N. glauca × N.
langsdorfii –

• Zaenen et al – 1974 – discovered Ti plasmid – which
is   tumour inducing principle of

• O’Farrel – 1975 – high resolution two dimensional gel

• Chilton et al 1977 successfully integrated Ti plasmid DNA
– Agrobacterium tumefaciens in plants

• Kary Mullis – 1983 – invented – polymerase chain reaction
– PCR –amplification of DNA

• Horsh et al – 1984 – developed transgenic tobacco –
transformation with Agrobacterium

• Blattner – 1997 – sequenced – E. coli genome

• Humon genome project consortium and Venter et al – 2001 – sequenced
– human genome successfully

• Under International Rice Genome Sequencing Project – 2005
– Rice genome sequenced

Tissue Culture Advantages:

• Independent of environmental factors such as climate,
geographical and seasonal variations, diseases, microbial contamination etc

• Ensures quality and yield of the product

• Possible to produce novel compounds of commercial value

• Cultured cells can be used to study the biosynthetic pathways

• Used to study biotransformation, bioconversion, and
specific modification of chemical structure of certain compounds

• Free from any microbial contamination and insect attack

• Possible to store germplasm of higher yielding plants at
refrigerated temperature more safely – than conventional method

• Protoplast fusion – two unrelated species – opened – new
method – field of plant improvement

for Tissue Culture

• Area for media preparation

• Sterile room for inoculation –  distribution of sterilized media –
plates/flasks, for transfer of explants to medium, sub culturing – Laminar air

• Glassware, apparatus and instrument

• Large flask, test tubes, pipettes, petridishes, measuring cylinders
– preparation and transferring media

• Scissors, scalpels, forceps – preparation of explants from
excised plant parts – and its transfer

• Spirit lamp – aseptic transfer

• Autoclave – sterilize –media, glass wares, Scissors,
scalpels, forceps

• Incubator – constant temp – facilitate growth of tissues

• Fluorescent light – normal growth and development

• Shaker – maintain suspension culture

Requirements for Tissue Culture

1. Culture Media

• Plant cells/ tissues – proper medium – growth and development

• Inorganic elements

Macronutrients – P, S, N, K, Ca, Mg

Micronutrients – B, Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn, Mb, Al, Ni

• Organic compounds

Carbon source – growth – Sucrose or glucose – 2 to 5 %

Nitrogen source – growth and synthesis – protein – nitrates
or amino acids

Vitamins – Thiamine, pyridoxine, nicotinic acid

Phytohormones/ –
Auxins, gibberellins, ethylene, cytokinins

Auxin: Responsible
for cell elongation, Inter node elongation, leaf growth, cambial activity,
fruit growth, apical dominance, Influencing physical, chemical properties in
leaf abscission

Eg: IAA (Natural auxin), synthetic auxin – NAA, IBA, 2, 4 –

Cytokinins: Cell
division (cytokinesis)

• Regulate the pattern and frequency of organ production

• Kinetin – autoclaved DNA of herring sperm

• Zeatin – liquid endosperm of coconut and in maize embryos

• Promote the formation of adventitious buds and shoots from
undifferentiated cells

• Complex extracts

Natural plant extracts – Casein hydrolysate, yeast extract,
malt extract, coconut milk, potato extract, and tomato juice

• Water –
Demineralised and double distilled water

• Agar – Gelling
agent – solid media

2. Area for medium

Separate area and should be away from the working laboratory

• Used only for media preparation

Should be equipped with

• Glass ware

• Laminar air flow bench

• Weighing balance

• PH meter

• Deep freezer

• Preparation of
culture media:
Chemicals – highest grade of purity

• Prepare different stock solutions as follows

Stock solution I – Macro nutrients – distilled water 4
months – 4˚C

Stock solution II – Micro nutrients – distilled water 4
months – 4˚C

Stock solution III – Vitamins – 100 ml – d. water – stored –
refrigeration – used within short period

Stock solution IV – phytohormones – 100 ml – d. water – cool

• To prepare 1 litre – pipette required – stock solutions
and make up the volume to 950 ml with dist water – conical flask

Preparation of
Culture Media

• Add sucrose (3 %) and amino acids – adjust the pH to 5.6 –
0.1 M sodium hydroxide solution or 0.1 M HCl

• Finally volume – 1 litre – distilled water

• Transfered to conical flask – plugged – non adsorbent

• Solid media – 2 % agar

• Sterilize the media by autoclaving at 120 0C, 15 lb for 20

• Thermo  labile  components 
  carbohydrates,  vitamins, 
growth regulators, plant extracts – sterilised – microfiltration –
aseptically added – sterile media – but before the solidification of agar – set

Eg: MS media (Murashige & Skoog), LS media (Leinsmair – Skoog)
White’s media, B5 media


• Tissue culture is growing of tissues or cells on a
suitable nutrient medium under aseptic conditions in vitro, may be plant or
animal tissue culture

• Types include callus, suspension, hairy root, single cell,
haploid, organogenesis, embryo culture etc

• Technique include selection and sterilization of
apparatus, media, and explant, establishment of culture and growth measurement