Human Anatomy and Physiology Important Question

 Human Anatomy and Physiology Important Question

Human Anatomy and Physiology Important Question

Human Anatomy and Physiology Question

hap question paper b pharmacy 2 MARIS

1. Define diffusion and osmosis.

2. Mention the bones of the cranium.

3. Functions of mitochondria

4. What is erythroblastosis foetalis?

5. List out the cranial nerves and their functions

6. Write significance of heart sounds

7. Mention the functions of thymus gland

8. Write non auditory functions of ear

9. Write difference between cartilage and bone

10. Define osteoporosis and rheurmaloid arthritis.

11. Define pinocytosis and phagocytosis.

12. Mention the bones of the face.

13. Functions of Endoplasmic Reticulum

14. What is Rh incompatibilty?

15. List out the sacral nerves and their functions

16. Define hypertension and hypotension

17. Write composition of lymph

18. Write about auditory ossicles and their functions

19. Briefly explain Haversian system of bone

20. Define rickets and gout

21. Write cytoskeletal structure and their functions.

22. Mention the bones of vertebral column.

23. Write the functions of nucleus

24. What is iron deficiency anaemia and factors influencing it?

25. What is synaptic cleft? State its function

26. Define Myocardial infarction and Angina pectoris

27. Write the normal count of RBC and WBC

28. Write about rods and cones

29. Mention the bones of the lower limb.

30. What is Neuro muscular junction?

31. Write about negative and positive feedback mechasims.

32. Mention the bones of axial skeleton

33. Define sagittal and frontal plane.

34. What is megaloblastic anaemia? Mention its causes

35. What are olfactory receptors?

36. Define cardiac arrhythmias and congestive cardiac failure

37. Write the normal values of haemoglobin and platelets

38. Write about organ of corti

39. Write the histology of bone tissue

40. What is myasthenia gravis?

41. Write about sodium potassium pump

42. Mention the bones of appendicular skeloton

43. Define anatomy and physiology

44. What is haemophilia? Mention its causes

HAP Questions 5 MARKS

1. Draw a neat labelled diagram of a cell and mention one function of each organe of a cell

2. What is joint? Classify joints with examples

3. What is ECG? Briefly explain each component of ECG.

4. Write a brief note on ABO system of blood grouping

5. Explain the structure and functions of lymph nodes.

6. Classify epithelial tissues and explain the structures of epithelial tissues with one example each

7. Write the composition and functions of blood.

8. Explain the functions of spinal cord and spinal nerves

9. Explain the composition and functions of blood.

10. What is cell cycle? Briefly explain its stages.

11. Classily joints? Write about synovial joints with examples.

12. Explain Rennin- angiotensin- aldosterone pathway

13. Classify WBC and wiite the morphology and functions of WBC.

14. Explain the structure and functions of spleen

15. Explain the structures of connective tissues with one example each

16. Define anaemia and list out causes and types.

17. Classify peripheral nervous system and explain about autonomic and somatic nervous system.

18. Explain the structure and functions of platelets

19. Explain about meiosis

20. Write the functions of bones

21, Explain conduction system of heart.

22. What is haemopolesis? Explain its stages.

23. Explain the lymphatic circulation and functions of lymphatic system.

24. Draw a neat labelled diagram of neuron and write the functions.

25. Write the functions of RBG and factors affecting the synthesis of hemoglobin

26. Write the differences between sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system

27. What is blood grouping? Write significance in blood transfusion

28. Explain the structures of muscular tissues with one example each

29. Classify appendicular skeletal system with examples

30. Explain the structure and functions of blood vessels.

31. Write about granulocytes and agranulocytes.

32. Explain the formation and functions of lymph

33. Write the characteristics of epithelial and connective tissues

34. Write the intrinsic and extrinsic pathway of coagulation.

35. Discuss the intemal structure of spinal cord

36. Describe the constituents of plasma and their functions.

37. Define and classify cartilage. Explain the structure and functions.

38. Explain the physiology of skeletal muscle contraction

39. Describe the source and significance of the heart sounds.

40. Explain the Landsteiner classification of blood grouping

41. Explain the structure and function lymph node.

42. Write the difference between skeletal, smooth and cardiac muscle.

43. Explain morphology and functions of platelets

44. Describe the origin and functions of cranial nerves

45. Describe the formed elements of blood and their functions.

46. Explain about cell division

47. Mention the bones of skull with sutures

48. What is ECG? Briefly explain each component of ECG.

49. Write a brief note on ABO system of blood grouping

50. Explain the structure and functions of lymph nodes.

51. Explain the structures of connective tissues with one example each

52. Write the functions of RBC and factors affecting the synthesis of hemoglobin

53. Classify peripheral nervous system and explain about autonomic and somatic nervous system.

54. Write the structure and functions of spleen

HAP Questions 10 MARKS

1. Mention coagulation factors and write the mechanism of blood coagulation

2. Explain the structure of eye and physiology of vision

3. Explain the cardiac cycle.

4. Explain erythropoesis. Write about factors which affect the erythropeisis

5. Explain the structure of ear and physiology of hearing

6. Explain intimal anatomy and the structure of the heart using neat labelled diagram

7. Describe the constituents of blood and their functions

8. Explain the anatomy of spinal cord and mention the cranial nerves.

9. What is blood pressure? Explain the regulation of blood pressure.

10. Describe the mechanism of coagulation and enlist the
clotting factors.

11. Describe organization and functions of autonomic nervous system.

12. Explain systemic and pulmonary blood circulation

13. Describe the stages of erythropoeisis and factors affecting erylhropoeisis

14. Draw a neat labelled diagram of neuron and the salient features of autonomic nervous system

15. Explain the various events of cardiac cycle

16. Mention coagulation factors and write the mechanism of blood coagulation

17. Explain the structure of ear and physiology of hearing

18. Explain the cardiac cycle