Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry III MCQs B. Pharma 4th Semester

Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry III MCQs B. Pharma 4th Semester

Pharmaceuticals Inorganic chemistry mcqs, Pharmaceuticals Inorganic chemistry 3 mcqs

Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry III MCQs

1. 2- propanol reacts with KBr and concentrated H2SO4 to give

a. 1- bromopropane

b. 1,2- Dibromopropane

c. 2- Bromopropane

d. 2,2- Dibromopropane

2. Alkyl halides undergo

a. Electrophilic substitution reactions

b. Electrophilic addition reactions

c. Nucleophilic substitution reactions

d. Nucleophilic addition reactions

3. When chloroform is heated with aqueous NaOH, it gives

a. Formic acid

b. Sodium formate

c. Acetic acid

d. Sodium acetate.

4. Which of the following poisonous gas is formed when chloroform is exposed to light and air?

a. Mustard gas

b. Carbon monoxide

c. Phosgene

d. Chlorine.

5. Luca’s reagent is

a. HCl/NaNO2

b. H2/pd

c. HCl/ZnCl2

d. H2/Pd/BaSO4

6. Methanol is also known as

a. Rubbing alcohol

b. Grain alcohol

c. Wood alcohol

d. Denaturated alcohol.

7. Ketones are prepared by the oxidation of

a. Primary alcohol

b. Secondary alcohol

c. Tertiary alcohol

d. All of the above.

8. The carbon atom of a carbonyl group is

a. sp hybridised

b. sp2 hybridised

c. sp3 hybridised

d. None of the above.

9. The term Sn2 stands for?

a. An Electrophilic addition reactions

b. Nucleophilic reactions

c. A unimolecular substitution reactions

d. A bimolecular Nucleophilic substitution reaction.

10. Rectified spirit is

a. 100% ethanol

b. 90% ethanol

c. 100% methanol

d. 95% ethanol.

11. Stereoisomers are?

a) Constitutional isomers

b) Different compounds with the same connectivity

c) Conformational isomers

d) Identical isomers

12. Compounds with the same molecular formula but different structural formula are called.

a. Alkoxides

b) Iso compounds

c) Isomers

d) Diastereomers.

13. How many isomeric aromatic hydrocarbons are possible for C8H10?

a) 3

b) 4

c) 5

d) 6

14. Alkenes show geometrical isomerism due to

a) Asymmetry

b) Rotation around a single bond

c) Resonance

d) Restricted rotation around a double bond.

15. Geometrical isomerism is shown by

a) Lactic acid

b) Maleic acid

c) I- butene

d) 1,1-Dichloroethylene

16. How many optical isomers are possible for lactic acid?

a) 2

b) 4

c) 6

d) 8.

17. Markovnikov addition

a) Gives the most stable carbocation.

b) Gives the least stable carbocation.

c) Addition to a carbon atom containing the least hydrogen atoms.

d) None of these.

18. An electrophilic addition is

a) An addition to an alkene initiated by a nucleophilic attack

b) An addition to an alkene initiated by an electrophilic attack

c) A reduction reaction

d) An oxidation reaction

19. Conjugated dienes contain

a) Only two double bonds

b) Two double bonds connected to the same carbon atom

c) Alternating single and double bonds

d) Two double bonds separated by two single bonds.

20. Diels – alder reaction is a method of making

a) Cyclohexenes

b) Cyclobutene’s

c) Cyclohexane

d) Hexanes.

21. An SN2 reaction is

a. A unimolecular electrophilic substitution reaction

b. A bimolecular electrophilic substitution reaction

c. A unimolecular nucleophilic substitution reaction

d. A bimolecular nucleophilic substitution reaction

22. The term SN1 stands for

a. A unimolecular electrophilic substitution reaction

b. A bimolecular electrophilic substitution reaction

c. A unimolecular nucleophilic substitution reaction

d. A bimolecular nucleophilic substitution reaction

23. Optical isomers that are mirror images are called:

a. Tautomer’s

b. Diastereomers

c. Enantiomers

d. Metamers.

24. Optical isomers that are not mirror images are called:

a.   Meso compounds

b. Diastereomers

c. Enantiomers

d. Metamers.

25. Lucas’s test determines the test of

a. Alcohols

b. Acids

c. Amines

d. Carbohydrates.

26. Ethanol is also known as

a.   Rubbing alcohol

b. Grain alcohol

c. Wood alcohol

d. Denaturated alcohol.

27. Aldehydes are prepared by the oxidation of

a. Primary alcohol

b. Secondary alcohol

c. Tertiary alcohol

d. All of the above.

28. Cannizzaro reaction is not given by

a. Formaldehyde

b. Trimethyl acetaldehyde

c. Acetaldehyde

d. Benzaldehyde

29. Which of the following will react readily with both aldehyde and ketones?

a. Grignard reagents

b. Fehling’s reagent

c. Tollen’s reagents

d. Schiff’s reagents

30. Which of the following will have the highest boiling points?

a. Propanone

b. 2- Pentanone

c. Butanone

d. 2- Hexanone

31. Which of the following will have the highest boiling points?

a. Methanal

b. Ethanal

c. Propanol

d. Butanal

32. Reduction of acetaldehyde with H2/Ni gives

a. Ethyl alcohol

b. Acetic acid

c. Ethylene

d. Ethane.

33. Vinegar is a

a. 5 % solution of acetic acid in water

b.50 % solution of acetic acid in water

c. 25 % solution of acetic acid in water

d. 40 % solution of acetic acid in water

34. The complete hydrolysis of a nitrile gives

a. An acid

b. An ester

c. An anhydride

d. An acid halide

35. Which of the following compound is the strongest acid?





36. Which of the following is the strongest acid?

a. Formic acid

b. Trichloroacetic acid

c. acetic acid

d. Trifluoroacetic acid

37. Which of the following compound is the most acidic?





38. Which is the strongest acid?




d. Cl3CCOOH.

39. Propenenitrile undergoes acid–hydrolysis to give

a. Formic acid

b. Propionic acid

c. Acetic acid

d. Butyric acid

40. The characteristic reaction of carboxylic acids is:

a. Electrophilic addition

b. Nucleophilic addition

c. Electrophilic substitution

d. Nucleophilic substitution

41. Which of the following will give acetic acid on acid-hydrolysis?

a. Ethyl acetate

b. Acetone

c. Methyl propionate

d. Lactic acid.

42. Acetic acid undergoes a reduction reaction with LiAlH4 to give

a. Ethanol

b. Ethane

c. Ethanal

d. Ethylene.

43. Which of the following compound will be optically active?

a. Propanoic acid

b. 3-Chloropropanoic acid

c. 2-Chloropropanoic acid

d. 3-Chloropropene

44. Which of the following compound will be optically active?

a. Succinic acid

b. Meso- Tartaric acid

c. Lactic acid

d. Chloroacetic acid

45. Which is possible to distinguish between optical isomers?

a. By using chemical test

b. By IR spectroscopy

c. By  mass  spectrometry

d. By polarimetry

46. A meso compound:

a. Is an achiral molecule that contains chiral carbons

b. Contains a plane of symmetry or a center of symmetry

c. Is optically inactive

d. Is characterized by all of the above.

47. A double bond in an alkene consists of

a. Two sigma bonds

b. Two pi bonds

c. One sigma bonds and one pi bonds

d. One sigma bond and two pi bonds.

48. Breyer’s reagents are

a. Dilute KMnO4

b. HCl + ZnCl2

c. Br2 in CCl4

d. NH2NH2

49. The reaction of ethanal with one equivalent of methanol and a trace of acid will give

a. Acetal

b. hemiacetal

c. ketal

d. hemiketal.

50. Which of the following compound will give an iodoform test?

a. Benzoic acid

b. Ethanol

c. Benzyl chloride

d. Methanol.

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