Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety and Depression What is Anxiety? Anxiety has biological/chemical, emotional, and spiritual components. Anxiety is the mind and body’s reaction …

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Mental Disorders

Mental Disorders

Mental Disorders Mental Disorders The individual is not functioning adequately based on either his/her standards or according to significant others …

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Transmission, Pathophysiology, Clinical manifestations of Gonorrhea

Gonorrhea •       Sexually transmitted disease •       Caused by organism Neisseria gonorrhoeae •       Gram-negative intracellular diplococcus •       Infects mucus-secreting epithelial cells Transmission of gonorrhea •       Efficiently transmitted …

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Syphilis: Type, Transmission, Treatment option of Syphilis

 Syphilis What is Syphilis? Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum. It can also be …

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Leprosy: Type, Symptoms, Transmission, Pathophysiology of Leprosy

Leprosy •       Caused by bacteria Mycobacterium leprae •       It causes damage to the skin and the peripheral nervous system. •       Disease …

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