SOP on Cleaning of Basket Filter

on Cleaning of Basket Filter



Objective : To describe cleaning procedure for the Basket Filter.



To ensure that the equipment is clean and free from any starting materials of
previous batch or product residues.


Responsibility : 1.It  is the responsibility of
operating staff to clean the equipment.

2. Production Chemist to ensure that
procedure is followed.


& Equipment :

Cleaning agent: Teepol or liquid soap.

Mops / brush / lint free cloth



(1)  Close the outlet valve of the holding tank,
detached the connecting pipes taking care to ensure that any liquid in the line
is emptied into the holding tank.

Drain out the holding tank for left overs.

Add 25 litres of boiled tap water to the holding
tank and start the filter press so that this enables the filter press to be
rinsed with the water and drain the washings.

Dismantle the assembly, filter pads are removed and
keep them in a plastic tub containing 10 liters of boiled tap water. Also clean
the filter sieves, plates and pipelines with boiled tap water for 5 minutes.

Prepare a Teepol solution (10ml à 10 litres water)
or liquid-soap (50gm
à 5 liters water) and clean the surfaces of all the dismantled parts
with the help of a nylon brush or by mopping.

Wash the filter pads and other parts of the filter
press by running tap water for 10 minutes and drain the washings. Repeat the
procedure for another 5 minutes.

Wash the filter pads and other parts of the filter
press with 15 litres of purified water and drain the washings. 

Finally rinse the filter pads and other parts of the
filter press with previously boiled purified water and drain it completely.

Send the wash water for analysis for residual active
ingredients of previous product.

Let all the machine parts and pads dry in air,
reassemble in the reverse order of dismantling and put a label “Cleaned” or
“Ready for use”.