SOP on Cleaning of Capsule Inspection cum Polishing Machine
1.0 Purpose: This SOP describes the procedure for cleaning of capsule inspection cum polishing machine.
2.0 Scope: This SOP applies to operating staff of the production department.
3.0 Responsibility: It is the responsibility of the Production Supervisor to ensure that the procedure is followed.
4.0 Materials and Equipment:
4.01 Lint free cloth
4.02 Teepol solution (10ml 1liter water) or Liquid Soap solution (10g 1 liter water).
5.0 Procedure:
5.01 Switch off electrical mains of the machine.
5.02 Clean the capsule polishing machine from out side with a dry cloth first and then with a moist cloth soaked in warm water.
5.03 Remove the filter bag of the vacuum placed below the machine.
5.04 Dismantle & remove the following:-
a. Hopper assembly with sieves & trays.
b. Polishing chamber with brush and polishing cloth.
c. Conveyor belt with guides and sifter guards.
d. Capsule ejection chute.
e. Capsule transfer chute
f. Vacuum hose pipe.
5.05 Soak all the dismantled parts in hot water contained in SS container.
5.06 Clean all the dismantled parts with liquid soap solution or teepol solution.
5.07 Clean all the dismantled parts with sufficient water to remove the traces of liquid soap.
5.08 Finally rinse with purified water.
5.09 Send the wash water for analysis of residual active ingredients of previous product.
5.10 Allow all the dismantled parts to dry in air and reassemble them.