SOP on Operation of Double Cone Blender
SOP on Operation of Double Cone Blender
1.0 Purpose: This SOP describes the procedure for operation of double cone mixer.
2.0 Scope: This SOP applies to operating staff of the production department.
3.0 Responsibility: It is the responsibility of the Production Supervisor to ensure that the procedure is followed.
4.0 Materials and Equipment: None
5.0 Procedure:
5.01 Ensure that the lid and safety pin lock are properly assembled from one side.
5.02 Adjust the angle of the blender with the help of a moving wheel to a required position for convenience in loading of materials.
5.03 Load all the materials from the containers into the blender.
5.04 After loading the materials, close the lid of the blender.
5.05 Put the safety pin on the lid and fit it properly.
5.06 Switch ‘ON’ the equipment and start the mixing as per the time specified.
5.07 When the mixing is completed, switch off the equipment.
5.08 Adjust the position of the blender at the required angle for convenience in unloading the materials.
5.09 Unlock the safety pin and remove the lid from the blender.
5.10 Unload the mixed materials in cleaned polythene lined SS containers and label it appropriately.