Communication Styles

Communication Styles

Communication Styles


At the end of this session, the student will be able to:

• Describe assertiveness and emotiveness

• Identify different communication styles

• Discuss effects of communication styles on professional relationships

Communication Style

Refers to the choices we tend to make when communicating.

The dominant styles of communication are:

 Direct

 Spirited

 Considerate

 Systematic

It involves two basic dimensions:

 The assertiveness level

 The emotiveness level

Communication Styles are adopted depending on the Receiver of the Communication.

Communication Style Matrix





Each quadrant represents a different communication style.

People can fall anywhere within each quadrant, becoming more uniformly one style over the others as they move further from the center.

The more assertive tend to ‘tell’ others what to do.

The less assertive tend to ‘ask’ others what should be done

The more emotive communication style tend to show their emotions in their face, speech, and tone.

The less emotive style will either not express their emotions or will work to hide them.

Direct Style of Communication

People with direct style of communication;

• Are in control of their lives and decisive in their actions

• Enjoy challenges/competition but enjoy to win even more

• Possess strong leadership styles and gets things done at a fast pace

Spirited Style of Communication

People with spirited style;

• Are able to motivate and generate excitement in others because of their optimistic focus and lively nature

• Work at a fast pace and are suited for high-profile public position

• Are spontaneous and quick to take decisive action

Considerate Style of Communication

People with considerate style;

• Value warm personal relationships

• Have good counseling skills and are good listeners

• Are cooperative and enjoy being part of a team

Systematic Style of Communication

People with systematic style;

• Are very accurate and objective

• Rely on data and are excellent problem solvers

• Thrive in task-oriented positions that require independent work

Ways for Communicating- Direct Style

Speaker should:

 Take the time to show appreciation for others’ contributions

 Don’t use email for sensitive or complicated topics

 Allow time for questions and feedback

Receiver should:

 Ask if the person concerned has time to talk

 Ask for specific call of action or make a specific request

 Don’t give or ask for personal information unless asked

Ways for Communicating- Spirited Style

Speaker should:

 Recognize that not everyone follows linear thought processes and decision-making

 Learn to ask qualifying questions that will help get the information needed and build rapport

Receiver should:

 Learn to gently redirect the conversation back to the topic

 Use check lists or written reminders as a way to help communicate what needs to be done to reaffirm

Ways for Communicating- Considerate Style

Speaker should:

 Respect everybody’s opinions

 Recognize that there is a thin line between friendship and professionalism

Receiver should:

 Express a sincere interest in their feelings, thoughts, and personal life

 Encourage questions and share opinions to resolve conflicts if any

Ways for Communicating- Systematic Style

Speaker should:

 Respect agreed –upon agendas and time limits when in meetings

 Communicate your appreciation for others’ work and input

Receiver should:

 Speak with precision and accuracy rather than generalizations

 Give logical reasons for actions taken

Example- Systematic Style

The chart suggests the language that should be adopted for dealing with Systematic Style of Behavior:

Instead of…..


Some, many, the majority of

20% , three out of five, an average of 2.7

Next week

Thursday at 3:00 pm


By tomorrow at noon

In a timely manner

Within two weeks


Raj, Amy, and Vijay

An upward trend

An increase of 12% over five years


When the following conditions have been met



• Communication styles refer to the choices we tend to make while communicating with others

• Direct, Spirited, Systematic, and Considerate are the various styles of communication

• The direct style are decisive and tell others what to do

• The Spirited style are spontaneous and quick in decision making

• The considerate style are good counsellors as they have good listening skills

• The Systematic make decisions based on facts, not emotions

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