Herbal Drug Technology Quiz 1

Herbal Drug Technology Quiz 1


Herbal Drug Technology Quiz 1

Herbal medicines have been an integral part of human history for centuries, harnessing the power of nature to heal and nurture. The world of herbal drug technology is as diverse as it is fascinating. To delve deeper into this ancient yet ever-evolving field, we present the Herbal Drug Technology Quiz, a journey that uncovers the secrets of nature’s pharmacy.

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Herbal Drug Technology Quiz 1


1 / 52

1. Who gave the word "Pharmacognosy" ?

2 / 52

2. Phytosterols are useful in

3 / 52

3. St John's wort along with aminolevulinic acid might increase the chances of-

4 / 52

4. The Chinese Pharmacopoeia is how much old?

5 / 52

5. Which of the following uses management practices that are intended to “restore, maintain and enhance ecological harmony.”

6 / 52

6. Processing of herbal raw materials include

7 / 52

7. Who said “Let food is your medicine and medicine is your food”

8 / 52

8. The members of the D.T.A.B. (Drugs Technical Advisory Board) hold the office for a period of

9 / 52

9. Spirulina is another name of-

10 / 52

10. Cephalosporin is obtained from-

11 / 52

11. The oldest repositories of human knowledge is______ .

12 / 52

12. Garlic along might _______ the effectiveness of warfarin-

13 / 52

13. Which of the following is natural occurring antioxidant.

14 / 52

14. Which of the following Nutraceutical is used in the treatment of cancer

15 / 52

15. Rudolf Steiner initially developed in ____, it was the first of the organic agriculture movements.

16 / 52

16. Ginkgo thins the blood and decrease its ability to form-

17 / 52

17. The largest global market for medicinal and aromatic plants is

18 / 52

18. According to Ayurveda concept “Satwa” means

19 / 52

19. Taking garlic along with birth control pills might-

20 / 52

20. Siddha is extensively practiced in which part of India.

21 / 52

21. People taking antidepressant such as monoamine oxidase inhibitors should not take food containing tyramine as it produce crisis of

22 / 52

22. Omega-3 fatty acid is useful in

23 / 52

23. Nutraceutical products are divided into…………… categories

24 / 52

24. “Kumari” is common name for

25 / 52

25. Who is known as Father of Medicine ?

26 / 52

26. Alfalafa is useful in

27 / 52

27. The first herbal to be published in English was the anonymous Grete Herball of

28 / 52

28. Herbicides is -

29 / 52

29. According to Ayurveda PITA (Bile) is responsible for

30 / 52

30. ________ which become the standard medical reference work of the Arab World.

31 / 52

31. The method which involves the mashing/pounding of raw materials to release the juice is

32 / 52

32. Taking garlic along with medications used for HIV/AIDS might __________ effectiveness -

33 / 52

33. Biochemical pesticides are

34 / 52

34. St John's wort along with alprazolam might _________ the effectiveness of alprazolam

35 / 52

35. The Siddha science is a traditional treatment system generated from ________ culture

36 / 52

36. Advantages of biopesticides are

37 / 52

37. Rodenticides is-

38 / 52

38. Which is a broad- based approach that integrates practices for economic control of pests.

39 / 52

39. Another name of fenugreek is

40 / 52

40. The earliest known Greek herbals come from Theophrastus of Eresos who in the ________ wrote in Greek Historia Plantarum.

41 / 52

41. Siderophores are-

42 / 52

42. Stramonium leaves gathered in the-

43 / 52

43. Taking hydrochlorothiazide along with ginkgo might-

44 / 52

44. What is fullform of PIP?

45 / 52

45. The Ebers Papyus (c. 1550 BC) from ancient Egypt has a prescription of ________ applied topically for inflammation.

46 / 52

46. Organic farming means

47 / 52

47. The term organic farming was coined by-

48 / 52

48. ________ represents the fluids (extra cellular and intracellular parts) of the human body.

49 / 52

49. In China, Mao Zedong reintroduced Traditional Chinese Medicine, which relied heavily on herbalism, into the health care system in-

50 / 52

50. Phytochemicals are of……. types

51 / 52

51. Cinchona and Tulsi belongs to the family-

52 / 52

52. Full form of MPP is

Your score is

The average score is 38%



  1. What’s the passing score for the Herbal Drug Technology Quiz?

    The passing score for the Herbal Drug Technology Quiz may vary depending on the institution or platform providing it. However, a common passing score is often set at 70% or higher. Be sure to check the specific quiz guidelines to know the passing score for the quiz you plan to take.

  2. Is this quiz suitable for beginners with no prior knowledge of herbal medicine?

    Yes, the Herbal Drug Technology Quiz is designed to accommodate a wide range of participants, including beginners with little to no prior knowledge of herbal medicine. It often includes questions of varying difficulty levels, ensuring that even those new to the field can learn and benefit from it.

  3. How can I access the quiz, and is it free?

    Access to the Herbal Drug Technology Quiz may vary depending on the platform or institution offering it. Some quizzes are freely available, while others may require payment or enrollment in a course. To access the quiz, visit the designated website or platform mentioned in the provided link and follow the instructions for registration and access.

  4. Can I retake the quiz if I don’t pass on my first attempt?

    In many cases, yes, you can retake the Herbal Drug Technology Quiz if you don’t pass on your first attempt. However, the retake policy may vary between different providers. Some quizzes allow immediate retakes, while others may have a waiting period or limited attempts. Check the specific quiz guidelines for retake options.

  5. Are there any prerequisites for enrolling in a herbal drug technology certification program?

    Prerequisites for enrolling in a herbal drug technology certification program can vary. Some programs may require a background in healthcare or related fields, while others may be open to individuals from diverse educational backgrounds. It’s advisable to review the requirements of the specific certification program you’re interested in to ensure you meet the prerequisites.

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