SOP on Cleaning of Liquid Transfer Pump
1.0 Purpose: This document describes procedure for cleaning of Liquid Transfer Pump.
2.0 Scope: This SOP applies to operating staff.
3.0 Responsibility: Quality Control, Production chemist to ensure that procedure is followed.
4.0 Materials and Equipment:
Lint free cloth
5.0 Procedure: ( Frequency – Daily after use or batch changeover)
5.01 Switch off the electric switch and remove the power pin from the socket.
5.02 Remove the connecting tubes of inlet & outlet openings by unscrewing the SS clip with the help of a screw driver.
5.03 Flush hot tap water through the inlet opening of transfer pump and allow to come out from outlet opening.
5.04 Repeat step no. 5.03 with tap water till a clear water starts coming out of the transfer pump free from any residual matter or colour.
5.05 Finally flush the transfer pump with purified water. Collect the final washing and submit to quality control for wash water analysis. If still more washing is required again flush with purified water till quality control approves wash water sample.
5.06 Clean the SS plate, body of the pump & SS coverings of the motor with wet lint free cloth and followed by dry lint free cloth.
5.07 Cover the cleaned liquid transfer pump with polythene bag.
5.08 Put a label “Cleaned” or “Ready for use”.