SOP on Responsibilities – Production Chemist
1.0 Purpose: This SOP describes the basic responsibilities of Production Chemist.
2.0 Scope: This SOP applies to Production Chemists.
3.0 Responsibility: Production Manager to ensure that procedure is followed.
4.0 Materials and Equipment: None
5.0 Procedure
5.01 The production chemist is responsible to send requisitions for raw materials & packaging materials to respective stores. These requisitions should be based on expected yields and permissible wastages prescribed in master formula.
5.02 The production chemist is responsible to check materials received from stores and to ensure that these are as per requisition.
5.03 The production chemist is responsible to check packaging components before overprinting / coding.
5.04 The production chemist is responsible to ensure that line purging of packaging line is done and records are maintained.
5.05 The production chemist is responsible to ensure that proper B.No., M/D, E/D, MRP if required or special coding like “Not for sale” etc. to be mentioned on packaging components taken up for printing are printed / coded based on information furnished in batch processing records.
5.06 The production chemist is responsible to ensure that excess / rejected over printed packaging components remaining after packaging operation are destroyed and records are maintained.
5.07 The production chemist is responsible to ensure that excess uncoded packaging components are returned to packaging materials store and records are maintained.
5.08 The production chemist is responsible to ensure that batches are manufactured as per respective master formula and all relevant records are maintained.