SOP on Empty HDPE Bottle Air Cleaning

SOP on Empty HDPE Bottle Air Cleaning  
1.0 Purpose: This SOP describes the procedure for the cleaning of HDPE bottles by Compressed Air.
2.0 Scope: This SOP applies to the operating staff of dry syrup section.
3.0 Responsibility:  Senior Production Chemist to ensure that the procedure is followed.
4.0 Materials and Equipment: Air Compressor fitted with air filter.
5.0 Procedure: 
5.1 De-dust the empty bottle bags in the area ear marked for dedusting and decartoning.
5.2 Transfer the empty uncleaned bottles into plastic containers.
5.3 Carry the plastic containers containing uncleaned empty bottles to bottles cleaning area.
5.4 Check the pressure of the compressed air by opening the nozzle and adjust as per the requirements.
5.5 Keep the bottles on nozzle opening in inverted position and clean the bottles by passing the filtered air in it.
5.6 Keep the cleaned bottles for use in a cleaned plastic container.
5.7 Cover the cleaned bottles with a plastic sheet and transfer to production area through the material pass box.