Pharmacognosy D Pharmacy First Year Important Question Answer

Pharmacognosy D Pharmacy First Year Important Question Answer

Pharmacognosy D. Pharmacy First Year Important Question Answer

Pharmacognosy D Pharmacy First Year Important Question Answer

Question No. 01: Describe various systems of classification of drug of natural origin with examples.

Question No. 02: Write the identification tests of the following: (a) Alkaloids (b) Glycosides (c) Tannins (d) Volatile Oil

Question No. 03: Write a short note on Drug adulteration and evaluation.

Question No. 04: Write biological source, chemical constituent and uses of the following drugs: (a) Liquorice (b) Senna  (c) Castor oil (d) Opium.

Question No. 05: Give a detail about biological source, chemical constituent and uses of the following drugs: (a) Rauwolfia (b) Ginger (c) Cinchona (d) Nux- vomica.

Question No. 06: Write biological source, chemical constituent and uses of the following drugs: (a) Aloe (b) Asafoetida   (c) Black pepper (d) Ipecacuanha (e) Catechu

Question No. 07: Write a short note on the uses of following drugs: (a) Antitumour (b) Diuretics (c) Antirheumatics  (d) Antiseptics & Disinfectant (e) Drugs acting on CNS

Question No. 08: (a) Write a note on any two Pharmaceuticals aids. (b) Discuss the enzymes used in pharmaceutical industry with two examples.

Question No. 09: Write the biological source and preparation of fibres used in sutures and surgical dressings: (a) Cotton (b) Silk

Question No. 10: Write the complete pharmacognosy of the following drugs: (a) Rhubarb (b) Coriander (c) Digitalis (d) Ergot (e) Fennel

Question No. 11: Write short note on the following drugs: (a) Shatavari (b) Shankhpushpi

Question No. 12: Explain the term alkaloids. Write in details about their properties, distribution, and classification.

Question No. 13: What are carminatives? Explain the complete pharmacognosy of clove along with its diagram.

Question No. 14: What are antitussives? Explain any two drugs under this category.

Question No. 15: Write the uses of following drugs:- (a) Belladonna (b) Garlic (c) Beeswax  (d) Chaulmoogra oil (e) Ispagula

Pharmacognosy D Pharmacy First Year Important Question Answer

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